anyone Who works in Service knows the people in all its facets. This is the result of dozens of conversations with the service personnel of the local Restaurants and Bars. However, this prof can experience profound connoisseur of human abysses, some bizarre, funny, sad or annoying situations. A collection:

If nussli fly through space

It will be pure niceness, that some Restaurants serve Christmas Spanish nussli. But niceties are not reciprocated always equivalent. A guest in an urban Local took the friendly gesture to the occasion, to throw with nussli. Not once, but until “ds fräulein” was forced to show the launcher with a ban. He accepted, but he is now increasingly at the Local over. And gave the middle finger in the direction of staff. (dsa)

The toilet is really off target

Just because a guest orders a bottle of wine for 2500 francs, does that mean that he also has a noble mind. This had to experience a waiter in a fancy place in the Zurich Oberland. It was the same guest that, in order to make it easier, or better, to shit, the toilet used, but the floor in the bathroom. This bizarre grusige story illustrates well a different, irrefutable truth: Who pays, can do what he wants. Because unpleasant consequences are usually with money eliminate. In this case, it was listed on the invoice, the Item “cleaning staff”. At A Cost Of 300 Swiss Francs. (dsa)

At the elbow licking

#MeToo cases in Restaurants Would be punished consistent with the house ban, half of them would be empty. This is illustrated, among many other stories, there are: A cellar bar in Winterthur, the beer faucet is for hours continuously open, the Barmaid fills the tankard to tankard. Everything is under non-stop observation of an elderly gentleman, which is supported on the counter the head with his hands. If he could ask something? A friendly Nod, he pulls himself together: “I Can lick once on your elbow?” The refusal of the wife, he appreciated with a shake of the head and falls back on the stool. It will take a few minutes. Then, with the freshly-derived self-consciousness: “Ah, you leave only women at your elbow to answer.” (saf)

tip has its price

A generous gratuity, of course. 20 francs to get an employee in a Locally-in a circle 6 of an elderly gentleman. But he also pushed for the Declaration – you look like the actress Audrey Hepburn. And he was his dearest masturbate. (dsa)


you can argue That taste is a personal matter, is a truism. Certain tastes are, but beyond Good and Evil, is for the service personnel a special challenge. As this case proves, In a beautiful Restaurant on lake Zurich, a guest of the Sommelier and ordered a bottle of good red wine. Not bad also the price, which amounted to 120 francs. The Sommelier uncorked tried, the guest, everything is fine. So far, So normal. After he had deposited the bottle on the table, said the Sommelier that the wine smelled weird. In short: He had pin. This, he informed the host immediately. The reacted puzzled, because the wine tasted to him. Nevertheless, he tried from a freshly opened bottle, this time, as the Sommelier with joy stated, without cones. The guest insisted that this wine had cones. The Sommelier should carry a third bottle. However, this time the guest felt the taste of the flawless wine as unpleasant and inappropriate for the price. The fourth bottle finally, he relished again – they had cones. The Sommelier stopped by now, to his mind, and left to enjoy the hospitality of the cones of wine. And around for a while studied at the saying, that taste is a personal matter. (dsa)

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Created: 13.12.2018, 21:07 PM