The asylum applications in Switzerland are declined according to the Secretary of state, Mario Gattiker in the past year. A total of 15’255 applications had been made, a good 15 percent less than the year before. This corresponds to the lowest level in eleven years.

Switzerland is becoming less and less a country of destination for asylum seekers who were not entitled to the protection afforded by Switzerland, said the Director of the state Secretariat for Migration (SEM) in a “view”-Interview from Friday. Gattiker sees the reason for this is that Switzerland, decisions are made very quickly on the asylum applications, and the people would have to leave Switzerland quickly.

evasive movement about Spain

Also a lot fewer refugees would come across the Mediterranean sea to Italy. There is an alternate movement through Morocco and Spain – and these asylum seekers would not have to travel to Switzerland.

most of The requests came from Eritreans, Syrians and Afghans. In particular, applications from Eritrea were declining sharply, said Gattiker. Of the approximately 2825 Eritrean asylum applications only 492 persons had fled into Switzerland. In all other cases, if it were births, and family reunions.

return only for a few Eritreans

For 2019 attributed to the SEM, according to Gattiker with the same asylum permanent numbers as in 2018. You go out of around 15’500 new asylum applications. The Situation was still volatile, the international migration pressure will stay high, said Gattiker. In Turkey, over three million Syrians were living. The asylum application figures could rise rapidly again.

The controversial Review of 3400 provisionally recorded Eritreeren and their possible return to their home country, said Gattiker, in an interim balance sheet, the preliminary recording may be less than ten percent of cases, repealed. The Federal government must obey the law. In the case of vulnerable people, or those that are long in Switzerland, and have integrated, it is not possible to cancel the provisional admission most of the time. The work should be completed by mid-year. (chk/sda)

Created: 01.02.2019, 05:24 PM