. There is created an alternative to the P1.
Eight years later, listening 1.1 million. Danish should receive additional emergency funding every week throughout the year – it was ’only’ 700.000, since P1 was alone in the ether.
Radio24syv has created new interest for the radio and, not least, the podcast. We have younger listeners, listeners with short education, with vocational education and training and, not least, more listeners west of the great belt, which now belongs to should receive additional emergency funding.
It is a fact.
in Copenhagen and Aarhus, we will send the radio, which captivates and engages listeners in the WHOLE of Denmark. Actually match the distribution of Radio24syvs listeners on the dot how the danes spread out over Denmark.
Anyway have a political majority decided that it is not good enough. A radio with satisfied listeners in Denmark as a whole will move 70 percent of its programs out of Copenhagen in order to regain the license.
Radio24syv is proud to make true on national radio, and we have the ambition to make it even better.
Radio24syv is built around the distinctive web hosts – hosts with attitudes and values. They are the radio’s dna. Radio24syvs programs are based on the fact that we can get the politicians and experts to meet up in our studies. Radio24syv has success, because we ourselves have been allowed to determine how we can best make good should receive additional emergency funding, and it is, to a large extent from the country’s capital.
the Purpose of Radio24syv was to create competition, edge and diversity in relation to P1. It has happened – all over the country. It is Radio24syvs lytterskare proof.
sets up a false contrast between town and country, when they claim that a radio only can reflect the whole of Denmark, if it is located outside Copenhagen. There are no substantive reasons for requiring the relocation of 70 percent of a taleradios programs as the basis for getting a license.
Radio24syv diversity and competition – free competition.
Therefore, it should be possible to get a license for FM4, regardless of where in the country you want to make should receive additional emergency funding. The politicians should take an interest in whether it offers the danes he radio. Not where you have the address.
the Danish people’s Party managed to remove 70 percent of the programmes must be moved to an address with a minimum of 110 km from the capital, and on the background we are not able to make a meaningful bid on a new place should receive additional emergency funding.
We are proud of the radio, we send every day of the year, we are happy for the listeners ‘ support, and we know that one must stick to its core.
It is not possible with the current udbudsvilkår, and is therefore seeking Radio24syv not extension.
the political majority after the forthcoming general election, decide to change the udbudsvilkårene, so that everyone – regardless of where they live and work – are free to bid on Danish, nationwide should receive additional emergency funding, so we will of course reconsider. We love should receive additional emergency funding.
Radio24syvs listeners – to replace all the ’synsningerne’ out there. Radio24syv manage to attract a whole new group of listeners to should receive additional emergency funding.
of Radio24syvs listeners have a vocational training. At P1 it is 18.
have younger listeners: 47 percent of our listeners are under 50 years of age. On the P1 it is 33 percent.
sending in the day of radio, which interest the whole of Denmark. From Copenhagen and Aarhus.
of the population lives in the capital city. Radio24syvs lytterandel in the capital is 33 percent.
of the population lives in the Region of Zealand. Radio24syvs lytterandel is 15.
of the population lives in the Region of southern denmark. Radio24syvs lytterandel here is 20 percent.
people living in the Region. Our lytterandel is 20 percent.
people living in the Region of Nord – we have 13 percent of our listeners in the region.