Mr Schoch, are you an Optimist?
more. Certainly not a Pessimist. Problems are there to be solved.

you solve love problems?
Clearly, this makes the work exciting. It is important to stay persistent. Especially for the public traffic , where projects often take a long time, it needs the. In the case of the tram procurement of the new Flexity Trams, I was persistent.

Have you ever thought to give up?
While the tram procurement of votes requested to invite tenders for the project. For me, that was never an Option. The Flexity is a good Tram and the winner in the tender. The nearly four-year delay did not cause the VBZ , but the legal disputes with the Zurich transport Association and the unsuccessful applicants, we have won all of them.

From the tram, to lack of but they seem to be surprised been.
no, this is not entirely true. We were aware that the two tram extensions, over the hardbrücke bridge and to Schlieren, our reserves are extremely scarce. But we had in the current year, exceptional accidents and claims, which require longer repairs.

What have you done to solve the Problem?
Internally, various measures were tested and implemented. For example, we do not offer extra trips during the peak traffic periods. Also Ersatztrams were to bring a topic about the old Mirages from Vinnitsa in the Ukraine. Also in Helsinki, Geneva and Basel, we looked around. In the end, it was clear that There is no viable solution.

But why don’t you have communicated more aggressively?
Each adopted measure, we have communicated. Also, we were not able to buy the old Trams of Basel-land Transport, because the distance between the retaining edge and the foot Board would have been with 35 centimetres large. The Zurich tram network is particularly. Among other things, the Trams travel not so close to the edges as in other cities, since all Trams are equipped with a folding step to bridge the distance.

Why was a retractable running Board not issue?
After such an intervention on the Tram, which would imply an intervention in the support structure of the car body, it would have needed a new admission. The tag would not able to lift the VBZ also, because the workshops are busy. We should have outsourced. That would simply become too expensive.

Why you have not asked the ZVV is for the delay is partly responsible for Ersatztrams?
We have decided, together with the ZVV against the tram rental. The ZVV has been involved and has exerted no pressure.

How expensive it would become?
a Rough estimate would have been for all of the Trams have a high seven-digit amount is required, and we have used nine Trams and all that, to bridge a year …

Is it really only a year?
If everything goes according to Plan, Yes. The first Tram is there. Thereafter, the second comes in February. And starting in may, should then come in on a monthly basis new Flexitys. We expect the first passenger rides in the summer of 2020.

“The wrong coat-of-arms is so small that it looks to the naked eye.”

Now the Flexity is a Bombardier product, such as the new delivered SBB double-Decker train.
I assure you, the two products are comparable. The SBB-train was a completely new development. The Flexity is already in other cities. It is a platform product, it is basically tested, but needs adjustments. Each tram network has its peculiarities.

when is the Moment to celebrate on Friday, when the first Flexity will be officially welcomed, or in the case of the first passenger ride?
Both of these are reasons beautiful moments, both to celebrate. But the first Tram is now here, finally, is something Special.

What did the four years of the Tram turmoil with you?
It was, of course … But at this point I would like to thank first our employees. You have made an effort. Many had, and must continue to make the late shift.

How is the mood in the company?
so far is good, even if very much work needs to be done. For us and for our customers it would not have been better, of course, if we would have had to decide these measures.

And for you?
Sure, I’ve excited me in the meantime about the process. He has been a burden on me also. But now it is.

you seem very quiet.
Momoll, I can also be loud.

your predecessor was the corset at the VBZ too tight. Especially in difficult times, it would need to be entrepreneurial agility. They had enough freedom?
We have a lot of obligations, of the city, the ZVV, the Federal office for transport. Therefore, not in the same speed to operate, such as, for example, in a private Carunternehmen, the can in short order new vehicles. We have to live with the political processes.

Can be VBZ still innovative?
Very well. We are launching, for example, a dial-a-ride pilot project Flexnet, or the new mobility platform.

“We will soon need a commitment for more Trams.”

But there was criticism. The dial-a-ride vehicles are not wheelchair accessible, the new App comes later, and is twice as expensive.
Currently, there are simply no suitable low-floor vehicles on the market for this type of virtual stops, therefore, we test the dial-a-ride for the time being without low-floor entry. Hopefully there are vehicles that we can use, if we introduce the System definitely. In the App, we had to write new, and because another manufacturer has received the award.

Also in the case of the Uniform, there was the awarding of noise. Then the Logo was on the jacket incorrectly. Annoying?
right, so what is a. The Logo was wrong, but it would simply have been a proportionate basis, these uniforms to be replaced, especially since the wrong coat-of-arms is so small that it looks to the naked eye. We need to carefully deal with taxpayers ‘ money. This also applies to the tram shortage. The accidents and the increased number of loss events would not have happened, and we had procured Ersatztrams, would have been nine of Basel’s Trams since, but little has been driven.

How is the relationship to the head of Department Michael Baumer (FDP) is?
Which is very good.

He criticized the information policy of the VBZ, as he announced the end of the line 17. He said he had to be upheld.
We have taken this decision jointly. In the case of political processes is the danger of installing too many precautions, and then to a little dare is. We agreed that we need a solution that can hold a year, and we don’t have to take new measures.

Baumer said, the 70 neubestellten Trams sufficed. However, the population is growing. You prepared for it?
Therefore, we have tendered to the 70 firmly ordered Trams are still options for a further 70 vehicles. The first delivery is a replacement for the Tram 2000, the first and second series. The replacement of the litters and expansion of services are not included yet. Already ordered 70 new Trams will not meet the demand therefore.

VBZ have, therefore, the opportunity to order additional 70 Trams.
Exactly. And we don’t want a grocery store and want to, for economic reasons, only two types of vehicle in our fleet. On the purchase option we are negotiating currently with the ZVV. Competent to say, we’d like to see how the Trams have proven themselves on the rails.

you would so prefer now to the promise?
We need a commitment for more Trams. Up in the summer, we can wait.

From the 25. November the new line and the new timetable will apply. This is the last measure, until sufficient Flexitys are there?
even more accidents, or a series of damage to the Tram of 2000, could force us to further action.

Is there a Plan B?
Yes, there is. We communicate then if it is so far.

Created: 13.11.2019, 22:15 PM