According to the NRW Ministry of the Interior, the controversial police software “Palantir” has played a central role in several cases in the past few weeks alone. Among other things, the program was used to find the person behind an amok threat against the Siegen city administration.

In October, the person announced by e-mail that they would run amok because of the nationwide “topless permit” for Siegen swimming pools. The e-mail address revealed the suspect via “Palantir” in fractions of a second, according to the Ministry of the Interior.

In August, the program for cross-database research and analysis (DAR) – as it is officially called – led from a burglar to a whole gang.

Also in August, the software revealed the identity of a man who is said to have abused a 13-year-old girl using only a nickname and a telephone number with fake owner data.

Previously unknown was the role of “Palantir” after a shootout with numerous clan members in Duisburg. As a Duisburg investigator said, one could quickly identify 51 of the approximately 100 participants. “49 of them could be assigned to mutually hostile groups.” Compiling the available information took around 20 minutes per person.

From the Interior Ministry’s point of view, the cases demonstrate the value of the US software, which the opposition has repeatedly targeted for reasons of data protection and costs. In the state parliament’s interior committee, Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) emphasized on Thursday that the DAR system was not a “data octopus”. The program simply links entries from the weapons register, from residents’ registration data, the police’s internal processing system or the search portal.

That’s not cheap. According to the ministry, the costs from the conclusion of the contract in 2019 to the end of the license in 2025 will be around 39 million euros.