The last 18 years, the Danish patients had a statutory right to be provided and treated for cancer within a maximum waiting time.

But a significant number of patients have – in contravention of the law – not been offered diagnostics and treatment of cancer in accordance with the maximum waiting times.

according to a new report from The auditor general. And it makes criticism of the politically appointed state auditors. They call it “unsatisfactory”.

– the Regions and the Health and Ældreministeriet has not adequately secured the early detection and treatment of patients where there is suspicion of or is diagnosed with cancer, they write, among other things.

– Special monitoring of early intervention in general practice and the respect of the maximum waiting times must be strengthened.

the Report shows that in the years 2014-2017 was more than 3000 cases, in which the maximum waiting times for assessment or treatment was exceeded.

It must be seen in relation to that in the same period was approximately half a million patients, which began clearing for cancer.

2014 was the year in which there was clearly the most exceedances of the lead time.

It coincides with that introduced a national screening programme for colon cancer and colorectal cancer. Here, the regions do not have the capacity to implement all of the required screenings.

the Criticism of “unsatisfactory” is at the mild end of the scale for criticism, the public accounts committee operates. When it is really wrong to use the phrase “account is in good standing sharply”.

the Report from The auditor general also testify to the treatment of cancer has evolved positively in Denmark. The survival is increased significantly, highlighting the Office of the auditor general.

But cancer remains the leading cause of death in Denmark. About 30 percent of all deaths due to cancer. This corresponds to, approximately 16,000 individuals die from cancer each year.

The first national cancer plan was introduced in 2000. It was followed by three additional cancer plans in 2005, 2010 and 2016.