While at least six shops have already moved or have closed, trying several of the remaining small businesses in the new exclusive copenhagen town Carlsberg desperately to keep the bailiff from the door.

Several of the small shopkeepers says to Ekstra Bladet, that they solely retain their tenancy in the newly constructed liebhaver area, because they can’t afford to say their contracts are up.

Escaping from the prestige of the project: – We were just away

– When I opened, I had four employees. Them I had guys after a few months. Now I stand here every day alone. I put the money to, but I can’t afford to close the shop. I shall be liable personally for the rent until 2023. It would bankrupt me to close, says Mustefa Yurulmez from The Green Kitchen to Ekstra Bladet.

With Mustefa Yurulmez’ rent, each month is within the vicinity of 30.000 crowns, a termination of the contract according to Mustefa mean that he will get a ekstraregning at around a million dollars.

The bill would be tantamount to a personal bankruptcy.

– I don’t have it good. It is very stressful. I’m tired, and we don’t know what happens. I can only hope it gets better.

They are closed

Closed in June 2018. According to the owner open since may of 2017.

Pizzariaet had open in about half a year. According to the owner traded the spot for 1500 dollars a day. After six months, the store generated a loss of 900.000 euros. Closed in august 2017.

Closed by the end of 2018. In the premises re-open a 7Eleven, informs Aberdeen Asset Mangement.

the Cafe was open for more than a year. Went bankrupt in the spring of 2018. The room has since been empty.

Was open in eight months. Closed in July 2017. According to the owner had the place for the eight months generated a deficit of 500,000 crowns.

the Hairdresser moved premises in december 2018. The owner informs, it came to pass after the purchase of a new local in the district of Vesterbro.

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the Chairs in front of Mustefa Yurumez’ eatery is total empty. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Mustefa Yurulmez is far from alone.

Also the owners of the cafe Kaffekilden and it Nordic Noodle feel stavnsbundede of tight contracts with the foreign ejendomsfond Aberdeen Asset Mangement, since the december 2016 have owned butikslokalerne on Humletorvet and Tapperitorvet, where several shop owners tell that they are suffering.

– I have been there since 2016, where the store basically non-stop run with a deficit. But I can’t get out of the contract until 2023, says Kaffekildens holder Ibrahim Yildiz, who fear to lose everything he owns and has, if he terminates the contract with Aberdeen Asset Mangement.

– If I stop before 2023, should I pay rent for about four years. My contract states that I shall be liable personally for it. I have everything on the game, explains Ibrahim Yildiz.

He has only kept the light on the nose, due to its cafe in Roskilde, which has generated a reasonable profit for him.

– For the price per square metre we pay here, we might as well lie in the main street, where it comes with ten times as many people passing by.

In the window where the hair Hair Expo was, until recently, there is now a map to its new location. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

the Same history tells Bilal Kassem. A little further down the square, he has it Nordic Noodle.

in Addition to it in Carlsberg, he has four other restaurants of the same name around in Copenhagen.

– We have been in the Carlsberg City in almost two years. It is no secret, it has gone very badly right from the start. Today, we still have red numbers, but in terms of how it has gone, so it is better now. I believe that it is facing, says Bilal Kassem to Ekstra Bladet.

He adds, however, that he, unlike his colleagues had a slightly longer time horizon in sight, when he opened the store.

None of the current erhvervslejere Ekstra Bladet has spoken with in the area, want to come forward with the picture. Several of them fear reprisals from the landlord. Photo: Olivia Loftlund

Disappointing number of visitors
the Extra Leaf and the stock Exchange has been previously described how the number of visitors in the Carlsberg City around Tapperitorvet and Humlebyen the first year has not been, as the development company behind the area Carlsberg City P/S assured the merchants would come.

Here, they promised, among other things, that 10,000 students each day to have their daily time in the area.

In fact the figure closer to about 5,000.

In the courtyard in front of the UCC Carlsberg abound it is not exactly with the students on Thursday at noon, when the Extra Leaf is visited. Photo: Olivia Loftluf

While Kaffekilden, Nordic Noodle and The Green Kitchen continue to fight for life, had Hüsein Atik, who drives it Steff’s Place throw the towel in the ring in the end of June 2018.

Here dumped a udsættelsesbegæring from Aberdeen Property Copenhagen check in the mailbox as a result of the breach of huslejebetaling. Shortly after came the bill from the administrator:

1.531.496,71 dollars for lack of rent from the period 1. august 2018 to 30. June 2021.

20. august 2018 dumped the bill into the mailbox to Hüsein Atik from ejendomsadministrationsselskabet CBRE. Screenshot

– I had fortunately reviewed my contract before I signed. So I had been written into, that it was my company and not me personally that would be liable for the rent, if the site were to go bankrupt, says Hüsein Atik to Ekstra Bladet.

– We wrote a contract, where the rent is five times higher than on the other side of the street. Why I went with it? Because they promised a flow of people on the several million people a year. It I let myself get carried away with. I thought the figures they presented to me.

As the earnings failed to materialize tried Hüsein according to his own admission, to reach out to Aberdeen in order to get a cheaper rent.

– I was astonished. It dawned on me that we were just pawns for them. I made up with myself, how much blood, sweat and tears I had to throw in it. There it dawned on me that they were indifferent with me. Shortly after, the store went bankrupt, he says to Ekstra Bladet.

Aberdeen: the Contracts are entered into voluntarily

the Extra Leaf has several times been in contact with the real estate company of Aberdeen Danish department for an interview with Henry Kruse, who is the head of administration in Denmark.

Henrik Kruse does not want to be included in an oral interview with Ekstra Bladet on how Aberdeen look at the remaining small trader’s financial woes.

In an email response it sounds that, according to Henrik Kruse’s opinion, ‘have a good ongoing dialogue with the current tenants’ and that ‘experience in general a positive and constructive atmosphere around the area with positive tenants(..’)’.

‘As a long-term investor, we have interest in creating the right butiksmiks and coherence in the region in the long term for the benefit of both residents and business. We can easily wait a few months to find the right long-term tenant, if it is what is required.’

In a follow-up email reads the question from Ekstra Bladet:

‘Why have you not found a solution then the current tenants can get out of the contract with the light on the nose?’

‘We can not go into the specific lease agreements for specific tenants. We also can’t relate to how the individual tenant’s financial situation is. But in general we can say that our leases are markedskonforme and entered into voluntarily between the parties, ” answers Henrik Kruse and adds:

‘The small operators in the Carlsberg City we have spoken with running all the red figures on the bottom line. They are exclusive, because it is the ’cheapest’ solution for them. How does the type of businesses to ’create the right butiksmiks and coherence in the region in the long term for the benefit of both residents and business’, as you write, you want?

‘It is hard for me to comment on how business economics looks at the individual bearings. But it is my general impression that our erhvervslejere in the Carlsberg City has a fine business. Here is, for example, talk about Lagkagehuset, the Salling Group and the 7-Eleven, that can hardly be accused of not being able to run a good business. ‘

At the Aberdeen Asset Management share administration manager far from the trader’s perception that there is a problem with the prices in the Carlsberg City. PR Photo