“The police: the Swedish woman and her three companions have died in an avalanche”

“When lavinsändarna finally was relocated after 38 hours was hope out there.”

“The Swedish woman and her three companions who disappeared on the mountain in the north of Norway, died in the avalanche, according to the Norwegian police.”

“– There are four fatalities in this fall, ” says chief physician Mads Gilbert on the police press conference in Tromsø.”

“Then in the Wednesday afternoon, the Swedish woman and her three male companions from Finland had been lost at the top of the Blåbærfjellet in Tamokdalen in the Indre Troms in northern Norway.”

“A fifth companion, a Swedish man, who were up against the top, sounded the alarm when he didn’t get any contact with the others in the group.”

“A large avalanche had been on the mountain and ski trails leading into the area – but never out.”

“The bad weather and the large lavinrisken in the area has, in principle, the impossibility of all applicants. But on Friday, when a ambulanshelikopter finally was able to go up and fly over the area, got hit from two different lavinsändare.”

“And 14 called the police in Tromsø to the press conference with a heavy vengeance.”

“No chance they survived.”

“When you now have confirmed that the group was struck by the large avalanche, which went along the mountain side on Wednesday, police have no longer any hope of finding any of the four in the group alive.”

“– In the morning we have finally completed the search by helicopter after lavinsändare. The search gave a hit on two transmitters in the area. It confirms our assumptions about the missing has been hit by an avalanche. It has been almost 38 hours. When we now have had it confirmed, we expect no longer with that someone has survived, ” says Astrid Nilsen, chief of police in Tromsø.”

“– Fall was so great, and the snow so heavy, so there is no chance that someone could have survived there for two days, ” says Mads Gilbert, kliniköverläkare at the university hospital of northern Norway.”

“– There is no knowledge or research that says that it is possible to survive for nearly two days buried in an avalanche. We are therefore medically safe, the four-has not survived snöskredet.”

“‘ll try to dig up the bodies”

“Lavinhundar and staff will now be deployed to locate and try to dig out the missing, who are all in their 30s.”

“– It is a comprehensive and challenging operation. There is a lot of snow that has been touched on, and we expect to become an demanding process, both to locate the last two – and, not least, to unearth them, ” says police chief Morten Pettersen.”

“Sökpersonalen, who both skis and snowboards, have to be flown up to the mountain side by helicopter and then also be drawn down, because of the risk of new landslides.”

“All the four should have had lavinsändare on.”

” the Transmitter sends out a signal all the time, even when lying under the snow. Today’s helicopters have the ability to attach a sökanordning in a wire under the helicopter. Then you can fly over lavinområdet and get into signals that show whether there is any under the snow. Then you can drop markers or flags from the helicopter about where they are, “says lavinexperten Kjetil Brattlien to the Norwegian newspaper PLEASE”

“Families are supported in-place”

“The Swedish woman and the three Finnish men, which, according to the bbc, all three of them from Ostrobothnia in Finland, had participated in a isklättringskurs in the area.”

“After the course, they decided to go for a private tour before the return trip, a tour that took place at the side of the arranged the program, writes Hufvudstadsbladet.”

“The missing families and relatives are now in place in the north of Norway and has been up at the area of devastation in Tamokdalen, where they are supported and taken care of by the staff, notify the Norwegian police.”