“Polling stations should be made more accessible”

“the Country’s polling stations should be made more available ahead of the elections to the european Parliament later in the spring, reports the Echo in the Radio.”

“According to a survey by the central Statistical office is the voter turnout is lower among people with disabilities. And after the autumn parliamentary elections, the Agency noted for the participation, after having examined some 200 polling stations, that the common deficiencies in the premises were high thresholds, lack of accessible parking spaces and accessible toilets.”

“It is the municipalities which is responsible for ensuring that polling stations are accessible.”

” Had they (the municipalities) have had the full focus they had with great probability been able to solve many of the problems. And why not come up anymore, it is, of course, for having had the difficulties with the premises or that you do not take the issue seriously enough, ” says Malin Ekman Aldén, director general of the Authority for participation.”