prime minister of Sweden, Stefan Löfven, says his new government is launching an historic collaboration across old party lines in order to implement radical reforms.

– We start a new history cooperation across old party lines. We need to create more jobs, better welfare and bring the crime rate down, called it in the speech.

presented Here Löfven a programme for government, which is supported by two parties from the now-dissolved civil block.

Löfven said that Sweden will also take the lead in the fight against climate change.

– Sweden must be the world’s first’s fossil free velfærdsnation. There is no time to hesitate. The transformation required is comprehensive. Much work is waiting for.

– No new gasoline – and dieseldrevnebiler must be able to be sold after 2030, says Löfven and stresses that the Swedish economy is strong.

Löfven stressed also that the fight against terrorism and organised crime will be strengthened.

Democracy is strong in Sweden, but we must never take it for granted. It must ever be defended. In generation after generation. From term to term, he says.

– recruiting 10,000 more police until 2024, he states.

He goes on to say that the fight against terrorism and violence extremism must be uncompromising.

– border Controls should remain as is, as long as there is a need for it, standing there in the government.

It lasted a whole autumn and half a winter, in Sweden on Monday got a new government. Löfven, who three days ago was re-elected as prime minister in the Riksdag, the reigns together with Miljöpartiet.

In the new Riksdag, the government – the social democrats and Miljöpartiet – the support of the centre party and the Liberalerna.

The four parties together have reached agreement on a programme for government.

Socialist leaders had previously said that Löfven would not apply any major drama in the context of the new negotiations to form a government.