cold Shower to the French island of Corsica. While the limit of 100 kilometres is no longer in effect, the airline links between the island and the mainland remain subject to the presentation of a proof. According to the new decree to establish the rules that will extend until the 22 of June next, “are prohibited, unless they are based on a compelling personal or family reason for health within the emergency or a business reason cannot be delayed, the movement of people by public transport air at the start of the continental territory of France to a destination in the community of Corsica”. Disappointment for the airline Air Corsica, which was announced on may 28, a recovery plan of its 14 lines. For the entire month of June, it provided for a capacity of 103.600 seats at the departure and destination airports of Ajaccio-Napoleon Bonaparte, Bastia-Poretta, Calvi-Sainte-Catherine and Figari-Sud Corse.

read also : air Routes, prohibited between the mainland and Corsica or the overseas territories (DOM-TOM

“Nothing in the remarks of prime minister Edouard Philippe, referring to the phase 2 of the déconfinement, did not suggest that the Corse would be placed under a regime of exception. Tourism professionals are wind standing, they only express their legitimate dismay”, deplores Marie-Antoinette Maupertuis, president of the tourism Agency of Corsica. Main economic driver, tourism represents 31% of the GDP of the small island, treated today, on the same plane as the overseas communities. “If the law remains in the state, this means that the season will begin on June 23. With, as a corollary, a shortfall evident. Our treasury is suffering from the lack of visitors in spring, we’re already nearly a billion in losses”, she says. To save the season, heavily affected by the epidemic, the tourism Agency of Corsica is soon to deploy a large promotion campaign of 4 million euros, making the island “a destination of trust”, with health security as a red thread.

tourism professionals, and elected officials, who hoped the resumption of activity, worry about a restart in slow-motion, economically difficult to catch. In the Face of this new provision, the reactions are bitter. Gilles Simeoni, president of the executive council of Corsica, is calling for the immediate lifting of the decree and confirms its intention to put in place a device for securing flows, including for the month of June. The chamber of commerce of Corsica and a number of professional organizations (UMIH, MEDEF), chamber of trades and crafts, CPME Corsica…) have decided to appeal to the courts on June 2, to bring these limitations “unacceptable and unfounded”. They also called for a huge demonstration to “fight against this injustice that isolates us, distances us and therefore condemns us”. The mayor of Bonifacio, Jean-Charles Orsucci, has expressed his displeasure on Twitter : “a family may come as early as tomorrow in Corsica from Marseille only by boat but not by plane ?! This decision is incomprehensible and incoherent do not go in the direction of a resumption of the summer season. The government must move quickly to correct this error.”