‘Mix our slankepulver with water and drink you thin in a few weeks.’

” Oh, no!

It is well known that creativity is huge for businesses that are trying to make money on the danes ‘ desire to lose weight.

Why has Fødevarekontrollen carried out an extensive raid among the 64 companies that market slimming products, and all sorts of soft drinks, elektrolytdrikke, gels, and bars.

Of the 64 companies broke the 29 law.

They were 47 penalties for bogus. In particular, to use illegal claims about the products aimed at the overweight.

45 percent of the slankepulver, which was checked, was marketed with lies.

The undocumented miraculous statement went on, that their products will be able to slim down quickly, increase that full feeling, decrease the sugar and sliktrangen and so on.

Untrue or inaccurate promises about what a slimming product contains, or what its effect is on human health, is illegal in the entire EU, but it blows the industry overtly.

Head of unit at the Danish veterinary and food administration Henrik Dammand Nielsen states that companies must comply with the rules.

’When you hit the its product, that it has some special qualities, so it should be perfectly fine in the edge. Companies must follow the rules, so that consumers are not being cheated,’ he says in a press release.

There are strict rules for what one must say about slankepulver. For example, it is prohibited to endorse slimming products with the speed and extent of weight loss.

Fødevaremyndighederne considering now how you will get the companies to follow the rules.

the Fda has until wilder does not wish to inform him of the 29 companies that have received sanctions.
