“Reporters without borders”

“Report: 80 journalists were killed in the year”

“Murder, imprisonment and abductions of journalists have increased in 2018. Total killed, 80 journalists around the world, according to a report from Reporters without borders (RSF).”

“After having gone down in the last year increased the number of journalists killed in 2018. The most high-profile case is the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi who was assassinated at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey.”

“The most dangerous countries for journalists in Afghanistan (15 deaths), Syria (11 dead), Mexico (9 dead) and Yemen (8 dead). The numbers include both professional and non-professional journalists and media workers.”

“Arrests and kidnappings of journalists also increased compared with the previous year. 348 journalists in prison in the world, compared with 326 at the same time last year. 60 journalists are being held hostage.”