The case revolves around a years-delayed safety-related retrofit in the nuclear power plant Beznau. Max Chopard would have liked to see from the Aargauer a “heightened sensitivity councillor, therefore,”. But now the SP-the Parliament sees its hopes disappointed. Therefore, the findings of a published response from the Executive on an Interpellation of the SP group. “For the Canton of Aargau”, makes it clear that the bourgeois-dominated government, “there was no reason to require an accelerated implementation”. What is going to happen?

After the nuclear disaster of Fukushima in 2011, called on the nuclear regulatory authority of the Federal government (Ensi), the power group, Axpo, Beznau in a five-point retrofit. However, only four of the five projects are now being implemented: It is an auxiliary cooling system for the fuel element missing storage pool to be cooled, so that the vessel in which the excess fuel before the Transport to the interim storage.

First 2014, then in 2017 – and now?

First, we wanted to implement the Axpo the project until 2014, but there were delays, partly because the Axpo broke off a tender, and later, apparently, the supplier of the cooling system went bankrupt. The Ensi granted a “final” extension of the Deadline until 2017.

But this date passed. Axpo wants to realize the project until 2021. Last December, she has submitted to the Ensi of the schedule to the licence. Four months later, the nuclear regulatory has not been found yet, as the Executive Council’s response. SP-politician Chopard shows irritated: The Causa is a technically delicate.

How delicate, is nevertheless controversial. The government accepts the point of view of the Ensi, the have classified the delay in the retrofitting of as “not acutely relevant to safety”, especially since the implementation of the other four projects would have increased the degree of protection of Beznau “significantly”.

concept to on Sunday

submit The German Öko-Institut, however, the missing Element is referred to explicitly as a “safety disadvantage” of the system. Therefore, it is incomprehensible for Chopard, the Council of government, writes as to this in his answer, “in the framework of the public communications” of Ensi and Axpo on the delays. “As a location in Canton, you would have to be considerably more proactive,” says Chopard. “It must now finally go forward.”

at Least the Ensi presses the pace. Axpo must show up the day after tomorrow is Sunday “Alternatives, in order to shorten the lead times of the required components”, such as the Ensi confirmed on request. In the result, the atom will decide on supervision, whether you agree with the possibly modified schedule. How these Alternatives look, leaves open the Axpo: The Ensi will receive the documents in a timely manner. “All questions of the Supervisory authority, be addressed.”


Created: 29.03.2019, 18:14 PM