Police in Finnmark sign 1. new year’s day about a troublesome skabbrev that should have been too intrusive in Alta today.

According to police should the fox have taken himself up in a stroller that stood out. In barnevogna was a baby and slept. Fox should have stood with the entire head and upper body under the hood where the child slept.

speech baby monitor will allow revealed the fox, which then would have chased away, notify the police.

– Only the tail stood out through the canopy, the fox stood over the face of the baby, ” says operasjonsleder Erik Jakobsen in Finnmark police district to iFinnmark.

– Skabbreven is sick and it is certainly starved and not able to find food in a normal way, ” he continues.

– Never heard of similar

the Police says to the newspaper that they recommend that children not sleeping out in Alta so the situation is now. Viltnemnda is also notified, and a ettersøksgruppe trying to find the fox to kill it.

– I have talked with ettersøksgruppa. Where are the hunters with over 30 years experience who says they’ve never heard about anything similar. It is clear that it is particularly.

It says Siv Kristin Ryeng, the leader of the Viltnemnda in Alta, to Dagbladet.

She tells us that altaværingene not unfamiliar with the skabbrev that draws in against the settlement, but that it is highly unusual that they come so close to people today.

– Skabbrev we see every single year. It is also common that they draw close to the buildings when they are hungry. If you see a sick fox in the neighborhood, so one should call the police at 02800. If you have been hunting test and have an approved weapons, so one can also kill the animal yourself. For one to euthanize animals who are suffering, ” she says.

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She tells us that ettersøksgruppa is to look for the fox, but that it is demanding conditions.

– If it is sick, so it can lay down. But if it has powers, so it can go far. It is not only easy to find the fox in the dark here in the evening. But if they don’t find it today, so continue ettersøksgruppa in the morning, ” says Ryeng.

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