Lgbt people suffer more from mental illness than heterosexual men and women. They also have more frequent thoughts of suicide. Something that, among other things Folkhälsomyndigheten showed in a report on transgender three years ago.
According to the, four of the ten young transgender people attempted to take their life at some point, while six of the ten had had suicidal thoughts in the past year.
often leads to an increase in mental health problems among lgbtq people. The showed national Board of health in a comprehensive study presented in 2016.
Among other things, is depression, psychosis, and hazardous use of alcohol common in this vulnerable group.
Read more: ”Everyone who works here must have an inclusive approach.”
Even the use of psychotropic drugs is higher among lgbt people than among the population in general, according to the National report. It can be interpreted as a sign of stress-related ill health in the group, the so-called minoritetsstress.
People who find themselves in minoritetsposition on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression are at risk in a greater extent, be subjected to, for example, discrimination and negative attitudes.
was a total of around 1.3 million people in the olikkönade marriage and 10,000 people in same-sex marriage. They had all married between 1995 and 2012.
Since marriage is generally seen as a protective factor is most likely the mental illness is even greater in the group of transgender people who are not married.
the Organisation RFSL has long been working for the authorities and managers in health and social care to realise the seriousness of the problem and ensure that the situation of lgbtq people is becoming better.
two years ago, examined the RFSL how the country’s county councils and regions are working with these issues. It turned out that several of them had major flaws when it comes to efforts to improve lgbt people’s mental health.
Sources: THE national Board of health
Read more about the lgbtq