Åland’s demilitarization of the cold war of the last contract remaining in the Finnish and Russian relations, writes political science dr. Alpo Rusi.

the September events in Airisto in the Turku archipelago, raised the question of whether a foreign state received ownership of land defense of the critical island. Finland’s most important supply route there are areas where Russia could take advantage of, say, intelligence.

on the other Hand, in mariehamn, Åland islands in Russia also has a large consulate. In 2014 Russia carried out by the Crimean grab after the consulate staff size has reportedly increased, as the Swedish researcher Tomas Ries has stated.

What they were doing there, writers Ilkka Remes other day asking about his work to Stay burning.


Dr. Jukka Accurate picture of 2016 Åland military position aptly .

”Aland islands international legal status is peace of romance decorated with the gloss of the image, which distorts historical reality. Whenever the Baltic sea has been fought over, asevar the suspension stripped Åland is armed again”.

åland’s demilitarisation has a history of leaving behind a relic, but still a reality.


the Russian attack on the Ottoman empire launched against the Crimean war 1853-56. It was to lead the Russian empire to the breakup.

during the War, the British foreign ministry was designed to Russian disintegration in case of Finland the return of the Swedish context.

the Crimean war ended with the Paris peace in 1856, where in connection with the Aland islands were declared a demilitarised zone the grand duchy of Finland – Russia in the context.


the tsar to power after the collapse of 1917 the Åland islands the status of an independent Finland between Sweden and the ownership dispute, which was solved by the british at the initiative of the league of nations in 1921 in Geneva agreement for Finland.

at the Same time continued on – dangerously – Paris peace agreement the area demilitarized.

the Soviet union didn’t belong to the Geneva convention signatories, but it can mess with Åland things more concrete later.


Aland islands were declared a demilitarised zone in 1856. Crete Karvala

Åland defence was a thorny issue in the late 1930s, when the international situation became tense. The soviet union got nervous, when the German push into the Baltic sea with great Britain 18.6.1935 its navy contract as a result.

Winston Churchill held the agreement was a mistake, because it allows Germany had supremacy in the Baltic sea. In the same year, though Joseph Stalin decided to start with the program, the aim of which was the world’s largest fleet. It allows the red army to come to get the supremacy in the Baltic sea, the Black sea and the sea of Japan.


the Finnish government circles it was thought, however, that ”if someone came to keep order in the Baltic sea, let it be German”.

the Review was as short-sighted as churchill’s criticism of the British government’s view. Finland would be a security that a just arrangement, in which the whole Baltic sea area should be demilitarized.

in Finland, they realized that only åland’s demilitarized status was the weak link in Finnish, but also Swedish defence.

in the Following years, åland’s fortifying was a hot potato in Finland and Sweden in the negotiations , but the joint efforts of the islands in the fortifying of the cast were in the sand the summer of 1939.


the winter war peace treaty with the Soviet union did not require Finland to remove their troops from Åland, and to destroy fortifications. The situation changed by the autumn.

Finland signed, Moscow’s insistence, in October 1940 a few weeks schedule with the Soviet union åland’s status of a separate agreement.

a laconic content of the agreement is limited to the demilitarisation and does not contain mention of the Åland neutralising nor the Geneva convention and exemption regulations. At the same time agreed on the control of, which take care of the Soviet union in mariehamn, Finland by permission open by the consulate.


Finland’s official view, the two Åland position specify the border for an international agreement, the Geneva agreement is more important and to the extent relevant, that its provisions are more detailed.

the Moscow treaty is the foreign ministry representative Päivi kaukoranta, according to the limit of its compliance. He has referred in addition to the Geneva agreement of the parties to a large number of as well as the fact that åland’s position in the legal literature generally considered to be based on international customary law.

the Russian consulate is still able to weaken the island to the demilitarized status if the consulate would be today more of Russian military intelligence offered legal cover.


does it Confirm or weaken the Åland contractual arrangements Finland’s security? The question shall be presented before the rest of åland’s residents, but probably the problem will come up also between Sweden and Finland in the discussions.

the Last time they were really happy in the spring-summer of 1939 and it was on display later in the autumn also Finland and the Soviet union in the discussions.

the fact that they are not using the 1992, is one example of how inadequate English interpretation of the security policy opportunities after the Soviet union.

the Demilitarisation of the abolition would have at least three consequences: 1) the Russian consulate would remove mariehamn, 2) the Island would be the Finnish defense of the integral part, 3) the island of military status would not arise speculations.

it Is clear that demilitarization removal should also strengthen the Swedish defense. The cold war final agreement remains were removed in Finland and Russia relations.