“SD saw the climate change debate: the ”left-wing””

“Martin Kinnunen (SD) call the paris agreement for a promotional product and don’t think we should feel any panic facing the climate threat. “

“the Statement was sawn by climatologists in tonight’s debate. “

“Afterwards dismissed Kinnunen the entire event. “

“– It is left-wing. Look at where the experts will come and which channel they belong to. The environmental movement in Sweden do not see what the most effective solutions are.”

“the Climate is ranked as one of voters’ most important issue for the EUROPEAN elections. On Wednesday night we held a debate in Stockholm by the EUROPEAN commission and Klimatriksdagen. “

“the sweden democrats representative Martin Kinnunen want the EU to target resources to reduce emissions where they increase the most, for example, in China. He does not want us to feel any panic for the climate threat and reject proposals that could hamper the growth. “

“– the paris agreement is a promotional product. The basic problem is that China increases its emissions, he said.”

“SD’s climate policy was sawn by several commentators. Correspondingly, Jytte Guteland called SD for ”fossil dinosaurs”. “

“– That you can’t see what we need to do for our planet, and what role the EU should play, it makes me incredibly tired, ” she said. “

“After the debate got klimatexperterna Staffan Laestadius and Kimberly Nicholas to assess the candidates. “

” Martin Kinnunen stressed global cooperation. It may not be the main alternative. This must Martin Kinnunen read more. You can’t just blame that you should have global solutions. He also brought up that you should not have panikpolitik – has it not now, when would you have it? said Staffan Laestadius. “

“the MP bundles together SD, M and KD”

“When Aftonbladet spoke with Kinnunen afterwards dismissed the he debate as ”left-wing”. He dismissed also the experts ‘ criticism:

“– I think that they should read on. I have not said anything incorrect in the debate in all cases. This klimatorganisationens proposal would mean an economic depression in Europe. The chinese will not reduce their emissions for that we are running our economy into the bottom. “

“the Green party Pär Holmgren, which stands as second on the party’s EUROPEAN list, made his first major debate within the EU. He thinks it is good that everyone is talking about climate change, but thinks that the three parties have bad policy: “

“– It is obvious that the SD is for, but also M and KD. You see the new logic of blocs in Sweden, it is clear on climate change. They put the economic benefits before the sustainable development. “

“Christofer Fjellner (M) do not agree with that he and SD ports in the same compartment. “

“– I say that we shall do more to inspire others. Where is the big difference between the M and SD. Understand SD the seriousness of the problem?”

“Klimatriksdagen is according to their own presentation and ”independent, folkförankrad and non-partisan, independent organization that aims to raise climate change to the prominent political role of the need to have in our contemporary world.””

“Staffan Laestadius is professor emeritus of industrial development, KTH, chairman of the Global Challenge klimatråd, author of”

“Kimberly Nicholas is a researcher at LUCSUS, Lund university, expert on climate change and lifestyle choices incl. transport, food and consumption”