rumble Rumble. At the BSR garbage bin hung a shield, red, with Christmas logo and a nice greeting: “Merry Christmas, happy new year, health”, something like a small tip to the deserves in the art. of course, the guys from The BSR have money. The group Central has clear requirements: “to tip a maximum of five Euro” “non-cash gifts must be under ten euros”. At this point, a note for inner city dwellers declare: tipping is completely normal, out in the suburbs you know “his” BSR-people are always the same, great force, wiegehtswiestehts? Hey stayed the garden fence: “fancy an ice-cold Cola in the heat of summer?” (Incidentally, this is also regulated strictly in the BSR-rules: “rolls, meatballs, gingerbread, coffee, Cola … uncomplicated, not regularly, only alcohol-free”).

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Harald Martenstein

Well, this is how nice this is, however, also with the DHL guy, mail carrier, newspaper deliverer, the guy from Hermes, the guys from the paper and the Yellow bin, as well as the cheerful Bio-ton-Team. The Stupid: The features are all about a small tip. And every year, just before Christmas, tens of thousands of Berliners, the teeny-tiny, but crazy important question (suburban-rule No. 1: you never, never, never with your BSR-garbage man!): What you pay for so to the end of the year? We are interested in your opinion.

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