“Several of the injured at the s-bahn station”

“A violent storbråk broke out at Upplands-Väsbys s-bahn station. “

“at Least four people have been injured – three of whom were brought to hospital by ambulance.”

“at Least one of them have punctures,” says Per Fahlström, police presstalesperson. “

“Just before the clock 18 on the Sunday night alerted police about a storbråk at Upplands-Väsbys-bahn station, north of Stockholm.”

“It was initially not clear how many were involved in the violence – but at least four people were injured, according to police. “

“– Three have been brought to the hospital by ambulance. At least one of them have punctures, ” says Per Fahlström, presstalesperson at the police the Stockholm region. “

“According to Aftonbladet’s information, one of the injured stabbed with a sharp object in the neck – but has been awake and talbar during transport to the hospital. “

“the Event is headlined to a start, and attempted murder. “

“– No one is arrested, ” says Fahlström. “