The 22-year-old, German acrobat, Kelly Saabel, has gone viral with his latest video, where she dressed in something that looks like a Pocahontas costume provides samples of its flexibility in a parking lot.

The writing nyhedsbureaet AP.

The sexy acrobat, also a circus performer, has recently told me that she believe to be born more flexible than others.

I was born more flexible than the other children so for me it has been much easier, but it requires still much training to reach this level of flexibility, she says.

As a circus performer doing a stunt, where she is dressed as a fairy and shoot with bow and arrow by using her feet.

Kelly, who goes under the name of ‘Rubber Girl’ (rubber girl), because she is so flexible, began to acrobatics at the age of eight years and started yoga when she was 20.

– I think that the reason for my flexible body is daily exercise and stretching, and I’m very patient, because it takes time, she says.

The young German says, moreover, that since she started yoga and acrobatics, she has felt more in balance, felt she has a younger body and been more relaxed.