Hyrfordonet was on the way from Skåne to Stockholm, when it was stopped in Vårby in Huddinge, sweden, in november of last year. In the back of the white van found the police 251 kilograms of cannabis packed in moving boxes from a French byggvaruhuskedja.

put a man in his 30s who worked as a student assistant at a school. The man, who is the father of two, is, according to the police related to a leader in a criminal network in the south of the Stockholm area. He is convicted of a number of traffic offences, but are also unpunished.

– the Person is from stockholm and has links to a criminal grouping through the close relationship. It’s all about Östberga or Vårbynätverket, but at the moment I can not say which one it is, ” says Jonas Lindberg, group manager of the unit for serious crimes in polisområde South.

information had the man picked up the drugs in Skåne, where they are shipped from Spain. When the authorities did a search of the suspect’s locker at the school found the detonators and a noteworthy amount of cash.

” It was more than you usually have in their closet at work. We now hope to be able to take additional people linked to these drugs, ” says Jonas Lindberg.

to gatutvärdet for the drugs stands at about 25 million.

– When cannabis is sold in the consumer market, it costs usually 500 dollars for five ounces. But in the small bags, it is rarely five grams but usually around four. Therefore, the value can be even higher. We are very excited that these drugs do not reach the few young people or substance abusers, ” says Jonas Lindberg.

Man is in custody since the arrest. He is suspected of particularly serious offences, which have a minimum straffvärde of six years in prison. The prosecution is expected to be brought when the test results from the National forensiskt the centre is finished.

Read more: Long prison sentences for serious drugs offences