“Skråmos children have come to Gothenburg”

“ICE-recruiter Michael Skråmos children have come to Gothenburg. The seven children came to the Airport on Wednesday morning with a flight from Germany, together with her grandfather, citing multiple media.”

“Michael Skråmo lived in Gothenburg with his family before they went to Syria and joined the terrorrörelsen ICE. Both Skråmo and his wife are now dead. Relatives in Sweden have tried to get home for the children after the parents ‘ death.”

“the Children are happy to be in Sweden, where four of them were born.”

“– When we landed, screamed the “

“the Trip has gone well and the kids have been quiet,” he adds.”

“According to the children’s maternal grandfather met the family of the police at the Airport.”

“– They must bring us to social services and a place where we can be in peace and quiet, ” he says to SVT News.”

“Between 60 and 80 children with Swedish connections, is thought to be in a camp in Syria, as many ICE-terrorists, with families brought to the.”