“Sprawling tvångsplaceringar affects schooling”

“Children with completely different problems tvångsplaceras on the same type of detention centers, according to the Ombudsman.”

“early school leaving and poorer mental health affects the children when they are forced to move to another accommodation.”

“More than half of the girls and around a third of the boys staying at the youth detention has previously been placed in five or more places, showing the children’s ombudsman (BO) questionnaire, which is included in the annual report submitted to the government in the afternoon.”

“The overall conclusion in the report is the lack of a sufficient number of different types of accommodation to be able to help children with different problems. The lack leads to that children are often forced to move to new housing when the first or the second or third – does not work, according to BO.”

“– one that acts out violently children, a child with self-injury, or disability can have very different needs, ” says BO Elisabeth Dahlin to the TT.”

” Children who are in care because of violence in the home can end up in the same home as a child with drug problems, it could mean that they are exposed to a lifestyle which they would not have been exposed to otherwise. We have met children who indicate that before was taken care of, they had never been in contact with drugs, ” she says.”

“the Migrants going out of the children’s mental health, according to BO, which finds that suicidal thoughts and attempted suicide is significantly more common among tvångsplacerade children.”

“the Survey also shows that four-fifths of the girls and around two-thirds of the boys have experienced sleeping problems over the last week.”

“– What we also see is that there is a lack of expertise in many places, and then there’s the risk of the homemade methods and diagnoses that do to the child’s total care needs are not being met, ” says Dahlin.”

“the Deterioration of life chances”

“A further consequence of the migrants is that the schooling is affected when the children move to a new city or town.”

“– is The single strongest protection factor for children placed in care is that they have a completed education, it is the best trampoline in the future. When children move between different types of places, or not go to school for that there is a diagnosutredning, deteriorate their chances in life, ” says Dahlin.”

“the children’s Ombudsman (BO) has carried out a survey of 266 children who live or have recently lived in a foster home, a residential worker home or to the institutionsstyrelses special detention centers.”

“More than half of the girls and around a third of the boys who responded have previously been placed in five or more places.”

“Four-fifths of the girls and around two-thirds of the boys in the survey have experienced sleeping problems over the last week.”

“A button-third of boys and just over four out of ten girls say that they always feel safe at their accommodation.”

“just Over half of the girls and around a third of boys have experienced harassment and threats on their homes, four out of ten girls and two in ten boys have experienced violence.”

“Source: the children’s ombudsman’s annual report,”