(M) left the time as the leader of the opposition behind him and took the plunge into the role of mayor of the city of Stockholm. It was not painless – the alliance had no majority, but had the allure of the green Party to the handlebars with a promise of concessions in the profile questions as Eastern connection and the Nobel center.

Anna König Jerlmyr (M). Photo: Mickan Palmqvist

Stop the rebuilding of Stureplan. Stop The Nobel Center! Stop the construction work in the Årstaskogen! The slogans against byggplanerna in Stockholm has ekat between plywoodskyltarna during the demonstrations around the capital. On the other side of the debate was previously stadsbyggnadsborgarrådet Jan Valeskog (S), a consistent opponent to stop all types of builds.

Photo: Maja Suslin/TT

had a good year – and not at the price Daniels peppiga way. Just before princess Estelle started at the school revealed the DN that the school let the rich families go before skolkön via a refugee quota.

the Campus of Manila. Photo: Beatrice Lundborg

was unexpectedly attacked by the actor Stefan Sauk in a very viral video on Facebook in the fall. The video went out at that Stefan drove around Stockholm and told us about everything is to hell in the traffic and trafikborgarrådet Helldén has so far not responded to the criticism, but it continues to build bike lanes and allow elsparkcyklar.

Daniel Helldén (MP). Photo: Eva Tedesjö

was suddenly everywhere in Stockholm. The visually impaired stumbled on felparkerade scooters while happy adults saw their chance to carry himself in an even more undignified way than on a bike in the lycradräkt. But the service is popular, and even more scooters is expected next year.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren

. It does so by calling the newly built area in the centre of Stockholm, South Business District.

Photo: Mickan Palmqvist

is in the grave. The owner of ”Uffe” announced that his time at kultkrogen in Sunderland runs out at the end of the year. DN STHLM’s very short text about the closure was totally unexpected one of the year’s most-read articles for you hard abrasive national.

Photo: Stina Kåhrström

and North of the towers starts to be something for real now. It’s one of two planned high-rise building was inaugurated in the autumn and the plan is that tens of thousands of people to be able to move into within the next few years. But it tastes so it will cost – a second in the area can cost 5.9 million dollars.

Photo: Elin Åberg

still seated as finanslandstingsråd even after the election. But now the alliance in the Stockholm county council gained a new partner – the green Party changed its block and samregerar now with their former opponents.

Irene Svenonius (M). Photo: Nicklas Thegerström

So would the new metro station in Barkarby, hot, according to the initial plans from the county council. It was a little confusing for residents of the area, since the station de facto is located in Barkarby, which is certainly located in Järfälla, sweden. But the decision was rolled back. Now, the station should hot Barkarby, after all.

the new hospital in Solna has been the subject of scandals. Finansborgarrådet Irene Svenonius was declared disqualified in a decision on the New Karolinska, the board has been replaced, and the master kai fa Melvin Samson has resigned after DN’s review of the hospital.

Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

decided to raise his own salary – at the same time that they decided to lower the opposition’s wages. The point of the increase in salary was according to the christian democrat, Carl-Johan Schiller that politicians ”want to avoid bad decisions”. But the politicians had to back off after the issue attracted attention. What wages will land on is not yet clear.

Photo: Christian democrats Lidingö

was a central piece in the political landscape during the year. At the municipal level joined the party sharply backward and became one of the biggest losers – but changed the block and still get the rule together with the alliance. The same thing happened in the county.

Daniel Helldén. Photo: Eva Tedesjö

was not to be. The new green & blue handlebar pulled back on the plans and The beach road cheered. Most cheered Björn Tarras Wahlberg, who previously speculated that the Conservatives descending to explore the views of national can bridge the plans for a facility it continues to use on the Blasieholmen peninsula. The analysis is not shared by the whole party, but we can establish that the party made a very bad choice on the Strand compared with the past.

Photo: David Chipperfield Architects

. The resistance among the locals is greater than the enthusiasm, according to several measurements. But it has not prevented the SOK which is now on its own, is to drive home a OS to Stockholm 2026. In the Stockholm city hall is really just the social democrats entirely positive, but it does not prevent the SOK still running on.

Photo: Jessica Gow/TT

the First of said municipality to the whole of the marina at Hornstull was about to crumble and needed to be torn down, but then changed its mind and shot up the decision. Bevarandegrupperna took the battle and went to the furious attack against all of the responsible politicians who, according to them destroyed the city. What will happen with Pålsundet remains to be seen.

Photo: Magnus Hallgren

ambulance on call-out fines . It is estimated not people on social media or ambulansförarna. The bot were cancelled and the company apologized.

Photo: Fredrik Sandberg/TT

The eccentric råttmotståndare Jonas Naddebo went out and demanded of 250,000 rats head on a platter and execution by giljotinering. The centre party then went ahead in the election, but it is unclear if there is any correlation between the election result and råtthat here.

Jonas Naddebo. Photo: Beatrice Lundborg

In Stockholm has several high-profile murder and attempted murder occurred in the last year. Today, the judge of the police intelligence that there are 47 criminal networks in Stockholm.

Photo: Police

the Commuter trains have had major problems during the year. All have claimed all – the county council has claimed the Swedish transport administration, which has claimed spårspringare. The county council has in addition, the sign on the MTR which, in turn, has claimed förarbristen. It is clear that the commuter has had a very big problem.

Photo: Lisa Mattisson

In march fell the judgment against the man who stabbed police Ted Eriksson in August 2017 at the Bear’s Garden. The man got five years in jail and deportation from Sweden.

Photo: Lisa Mattisson

. There has been a lack of care beds in the county last year. Nurses have warned of an extreme situation and a problem with moisture in the operating room during the summer meant major problems for the healthcare industry.

Photo: Sveds Signe Söderlund

(S) had to leave the finansborgarrådsposten after four years in power. Now trying to the party by all means get the OS to Stockholm 2026, put down the Bromma and build a t unnelbana to Hässelby. The social democrats have, however, noticed that it is more difficult to implement such a large project when you sit in opposition. None of these projects are actually on time.

Karin Wanngård (S). Photo: Alexander Mahmoud

the city of Stockholm has a hammered julbelysningsstrategi for the Stockholm city centre. According to the, several places have such good lighting in december that ”wow-factor” is high for visitors in the capital. In the long term, it can mean that more people want to move to our capital city, according to the strategy. But julälskaren Tommy Wallentin – who has the 70,000 light bulbs at home – did not agree that Stockholm has managed to get into a real wow-factor. He sawed all the christmas lights at the ankles.

Tommy Wallentin. Photo: Magnus Hallgren

DN Sthlm reviewed in the spring by the social services in the county. The audit could show that the social services in Botkyrka used the YAP-method – ”Youth Advocate Programmes” – in very severe cases. The method in short, that the laity receive a short training and then will act in support of persons who require support from social services. But the only evaluation of the method shows that it does not have any long-term effect.

Photo: Janerik Henriksson/TT

the First ice rink is not safe. The said municipality, and therefore decided to close again on the day. Shortly thereafter announced the municipality that the hall will be demolished. Clubs plummeted since a lot of the ice ages disappeared when the hall was closed. New idrottsborgarrådet Karin Ernlund (C) has said that it will try to resolve it, but so far no new hall on the site.

Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT

the First would Årstaskogen be the residential. Then there was an alternation of power, and then would both the forest and the golf at Årstafältet be left. It had the Centre gone to the election on, and so it was after the negotiations. Unfortunately, this means that kolonilottsägarna at Årstafältet feel threatened instead. What will be left to the end remains to be seen.

Photo: Eva Tedesjö

There were chaotic scenes at the city’s äppelmusterier during the very äppelrika the autumn. People wanted to make the must of their apples, but musterierna could not meet the demand that existed. DN Sthlm could report on äppelmustare who went on his knees and people became furious when they were forced to go home without having got to do must of their apples.

Photo: Nicklas Thegerström

was a jättefråga – which then was not a issue at all since the responsibility for road construction, according to the Conservatives was state. This is despite the fact that the party went to the election on the connection both at the municipal, regional and state level. Talking now no one (except the SD in the town hall) about the issue.

Ulf Kristersson (M). Photo: Henrik Montgomery/TT