“Storbråket shaking Kiss – blames Simmons for having tafsat on the wife”
“Ace” and Gene Simmons in bitter feud: ”Asshole””
“this New tour, it got infected fraction to flare up again.”
“Now let’s go Ace” to the new attack against Gene Simmons and requires an apology.”
“”the last Straw was when you hands were all over my wife,” he writes on Facebook.”
“The former Kiss guitarist Ace” goes out in social media and accusing the former bandkollegan Gene Simmons to have tafsat on his wife.”
“”the last Straw was when you exposed my wife for sexual harassment behind my back, and I got to know it first of weeks later,” writes the rock star on Facebook, and call at the same time, him for the ”asshole” and ”sex addict”.”
“the Event should, according to the Dynasty and to have been made in connection with Gene Simmons of ”Safe experience” in Los Angeles and says to his wife, Rachel Gordon wanted to make a police report, but he stopped her. “
“In the same post, he also give a boot to the rest of the band, and believe that he is the most successful originalmedlemmen.”
“You and Paul (Stanley, reds. note) has tried to destroy my solo career a number of times in recent years, but failed”.”
“May not follow with on the tour.”
“While the former bandkollegorna between them has been going on since the Ace” for the first time, left the band in 2002. “
“According to Gene Simmons to” have sparkats on the basis of their missbrukarproblem, something the guitarist himself claims is a lie. “
“According to him, he stopped voluntarily in the band and is also sober since 12 years back, however, mean that the statement has caused him huge economic losses.”
“the 2018 they were reunited on stage, but when the band now embarks on avskedsturnén ”End of the road,” it will be without both the Ace” and former drummer Peter Criss.”
“Gene Simmons says that both members of the band have scored their chances.”
“”It has been back and forth and they have been fired from the band three times because of drugs, alcohol, bad behavior and because they were unprofessional. We would like to have Ace and Peter sometimes, but if it is not done, it is not because of us. The Kiss members are, however, they never again,” he says in a recent interview with the magazine ”Guitar World”, according to the site Blabbermouth.”
“Ace” is now demanding an apology.”
“‘ Without a real apology, an offer to give me my job back and to you kicks Tommy (the current guitarist, red. note) from the throne that I was created so will the crap beat back to you”, he writes in a Facebook entry that was posted along with a picture in which he points into the camera with the text ”the Gloves are off!”.”