To scholars release more graciously than the unskilled, when the it is about worn out knees, backs and shoulders is a well-known case. But when you look at stress, bullying and mental mistrivsel on the job, so it is also worse for the unskilled than for the academics.

It shows a new memo from the University’s Business, writes the

on average it’s about every sixth employee, who had a hard mental working environment in 2016, which the latest figures are from.

– the Problems hitting people with all kinds of education, but the hardest among the low-skilled and people with medium-term higher education, says the director of the University Business council, Lars Andersen, to the

the Numbers hit straight down in the debate on the differential retirement age – a model, where people who came early in the labour market, can also go before retirement.

Here is the counter-argument often enough is that natural attrition among skilled and unskilled workers, but it is offset by the fact that the mental work is harder for people with long higher education:

– It is not a useful argument. People with a higher education is, on the contrary, the best – also when it’s about the mental working environment. But the difference is not as great as when we look at the physical, ” says Lars Andersen, to the

The group, which has the lowest share with a hard psychological work environment, employees with higher education such as engineers, lawyers and teachers:

– There are great demands for the academics, but they also have greater say in how and when work must be performed. It gives more control and thus less stress, says Kent Nielsen, psychologist and the deputy head of occupational medicine in Herning, to the

in General, the development is negative, when you look at the numbers for the mental and physical working environment in Denmark. Since 2012 and up to the latest measurement by 2016, the proportion of employees who are psychologically overloaded, increased by 17 percent. For comparison, the proportion of students who are physically overloaded has increased by 15 percent.

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