If it is true, what is known about the recently in Morocco arrested in Swiss, Nicholas P., then he was something quite different than the harmless health practitioner, as he pretended to be on the Internet. Accordingly, the 32-year-old Geneva convert to have maintained intense and clandestine contacts with two well-Known case of the terrorist organization Islamic state (IS).

Swiss when you IS

As the Moroccan daily “Assabah” reported state-of-the now imprisoned Nicholas P. in connection with the Geneva-born, Daniel D., considered to be the most dangerous Swiss the IS. At the time of his second IS the contact man it’s supposed to be a Tunisian who was a friend in Switzerland with Daniel D..

The government sheet says, in fact, that Nicholas P. have received, in 2016, of Daniel D. and other jihadis in Syria, the mission of terrorist attacks against vital targets in Switzerland. To the intended Victims, officials of the Federal office of police (Fedpol) and financial institutions. Nicholas P. lived at this time still in Switzerland.

this information on the alleged assassination intentions are not Confirmed. Fedpol, which is in contact with the Moroccan police authorities, has, so far, know nothing about it, as a spokeswoman explained on request. The Moroccan report identifies no further Details of the alleged projects. “Assabah” reported only that Nicholas P. have also engaged in construction of terrorist cells in Southeast Asia, after the attack plans had been shattered in Switzerland.

Nicholas P. settled about two years ago in Morocco. Prior to that, he was wrong in the great mosque of Geneva’s Quartier Petit-Saconnex. There, he had learned from Kevin, for example, a second Swiss converts, who is now in Morocco under suspicion of terrorist activities in detention.


The two Swiss have been arrested in the Wake of the big manhunt for the men behind the murder of two Scandinavian tourists. The two young men from Geneva are accused of contacts with the IS. Not to be a burden to the complicity in the brutal murder, in the Atlas mountains from mid-December will be put to you.

In Geneva, wrong, the later IS-jihadis, Daniel D. and his Tunisian friend in the great mosque of Petit-Saconnex. The two traveled in the spring of 2015 to Syria, and should there be, among other things, in a Department, the terrorist attacks abroad planned.

On a list of 173 of the name Interpol has warned explicitly against the danger of six European jihadis, among them, the Apprenticeship drop-out Daniel D. alias Abu Ilias as-Swissri from Geneva. Daniel D. had been seen by another Swiss jihadists for the last Time about a year ago near the Syrian-Iraqi border.

His friend, the Tunisians, had ascended to the Islamic state quickly, and have translated press releases to the media of the terrorist organization in French, writes “Assabah”.

IV-pension to Morocco

According to the Moroccan newspaper report it was in the case of Nicholas P. an extremist of the first order who has taken over the ideology of the Islamic state a long time ago. Check the not, but it is striking that of Geneva, which also has a British passport, until shortly before his arrest on Facebook had contact with other suspected extremists in the Geneva Region.

His colleague Kevin he had left, for example, travelled to Switzerland, after in Morocco. The 25-Year-old Swiss-Spanish dual citizen, it was noticed, in Geneva, by Smoking Weed and petty crime, and who obviously suffered from mental health problems, due to which he received a disability pension. This was paid out – as usual in such cases, even after Kevin had settled down in Morocco.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 15.01.2019, 09:08 PM