A female teacher of exceptional interest for a 15-year-old student at a primary school in the English town of Dorset developed in the course of 2017 in sexual and criminal direction.

the Girl was mentally unstable and depressive and was diagnosed with OCD-obsessive compulsive disorder.

But it did not prevent the now 28-year-old teacher, Katherine Malyon, to engage in a relationship with her.

Now it costs in all the teacher of three years and eight months in prison, and she loses at the same time, the right to teach in at least 10 years and will in the same number of years, be registered on the Uk list of sex offenders.

It will write to the Daily Mail and regional newspaper the Dorset Echo.

In connection with the proceedings in the Crown Court in Bournemouth to Katherine Malyon have explained that she figured that she and the girl would marry.

– I loved her, sounded the teacher’s realization.

The dethroned briton has flatly admitted that she, despite several clear warnings from the school management had sex with and abused his fiduciary position in relation to the vulnerable pupil.

Katherine Malyon was otherwise recognized as a committed, diligent and very competent teacher, and in the first place was her involvement in the student’s difficulties are purely professional.

But suddenly kissed Katherine Malyon girl, and from there developed the relationship. In secretly maintained the contact.

the Girl paid a private visit to the teacher, they were on tour in London, and Katherine Malyon began to send multiple sms messages with a clear sexual undertone.

The unequal relationship was stopped in June 2018, since at that time the 16-year-old girl told her mother about the abuse. Shortly after Katherine Malyon suspended, and was handed a complaint to the police.

The imprisoned teacher repent according to his defending the criminal actions, and regrets that she allowed herself to be guided by his feelings for the underage girl.

Katherine Malyon are both known to be guilty of having abused a child sexually and to have abused his position as a teacher to commit atrocities.