your party has lost on Sunday and they are out of date and deselected. How do you explain to your personal defeat in the election? to say
Difficult. With a difference of 19 votes for me, this is the result of Chance. Still, it hurts.

played by the gender of their competitor?
Possible. There were generally chosen a lot of women. In addition, Angie Romero is networked in the neighborhood, probably better than I as Newcomers. Then she is a school nurse, which has helped her also. I, as party President, although a higher presence in the media, but cantonal policy for many.

What consequences do you draw from this?
I would like to remain party President. I have communicated in the group and I got a lot of Mails in which I have to make will encouraged. My choice is a bit of a break, but I feel in the party continue to be worn. In the end, the delegates decide, of course.

How much do you feel personally responsible for the defeat of the party responsible?
of Course, I feel responsible. I have fought that we are successfully.

What mistakes did you make?
We are still analyzing. Sure seems that we could not mobilize our voters once more enough. In the case of the government Council elections shows that this is managed to the Left is better, otherwise Jacqueline Fehr, would not be landed on the second place and Carmen Walker Späh on the fifth.

Have you set for the governing Council elections, with Thomas Vogel on the wrong candidate?
Sure not. Bird would have been a Super-councillor. He has a huge track record and wide experience in all areas of policy, what you can from the green candidate so do not claim. This Morning, many on the Left have come to Thomas bird, and have expressed Regret about his choice. Even in the middle of parties, he comes in well with its solution-oriented policies. It was negative for bird, that in the media a lot about the battle bird Neukom was written in the the Green Neukom had because of the climate issue, the better cards. Of SVP-wife, Natalie Rickli, no one has spoken.

all the people on the gold coast, the FDP big losses. Why?
We have lost in all our strongholds. Up until now, I can’t explain it to me. Probably it was also because of the poor mobilisation.

On the gold coast, those of the FDP-voters, who have to deal most with Your policy live well. So, cannot vote to the FDP policy.
I also used door-to-door election campaign. Since many people have praised our policy. Most of them were very satisfied. To convince such people is more difficult than people who have for some reason a rage in the belly. It would be nice if the election result has caused our people a shock-wave, and that you go in the autumn to choose.

Why is facing problems in the cooperation between the FDP and SVP ?
I don’t know. But the SVP-Flyer, in which the FDP has been criticised policy for Europe, and was distributed before the elections, was a poison for our partnership. I reported to the SVP-party line. Maybe it was a panic reaction, because for the SVP of a major defeat loomed.

Would have to work together to SVP and the FDP in the election campaign?
no. But it’s not supposed to be clear that you are attacking in a sensitive Phase of the election campaign open, if you support at the same time in the governing Council elections for each other. This is specially.

party President Gössi has demanded a change of course in the free-thinking environmental policy. That helped on Sunday or harmed?
she has asked for a change of course. We just want to bring the climate issue more aggressively manage and liberal solutions.

so It has helped?
I think it is. Woman Gössi has informed me in advance about the Interview and I have encouraged to do this step. I am convinced that we would be lost without this announcement.

How green is the FDP?
We do not want to be green. We want to make a liberal environmental policy.

The liberals have not changed their climate policy?
We say, in the future, a clearer definition of what we want. We are, for example, behind the climate Treaty of Paris, and will draw up specific liberal measures.

But green, the FDP is not?
We will not work with liberal recipes: primary prohibitions, but the steering duties, and Innovation.

The FDP is the party of the Rich and super. How can you win such a party the middle class?
We are not rich, the party of the super. For us, the middle class is very well represented.

But they make the policy for the richest.
no. If we are working for a good rail infrastructure and a good education system, not only benefit the Richest. How do you come to the fact that we are the party of the Rich?

The FDP demands tax reduction and at the same time, a reduction in the premiums verbilli extension, although the rising health insurance premiums to burden the middle class far more than the equal taxes.
We are to help the socially Weak, and not to the broad middle class. We must remain, for tax purposes, so attractive, so that the best taxpayers stay with us. Also, the middle class is funded by those with high income. Therefore, we need to maintain these taxpayers.

In the cantonal Parliament, the FDP is now in the Opposition. How to change your policy?
We are now waiting times. In the next few months will show what in the case of GLP, the L is in the party name – to the left, or Liberal.

For you, it is on the left?
at The Moment. In the last legislature the green liberals with a few exceptions, have voted with the Left. In financial questions they hung out a bit on the strong Max, because they knew that we are free to turn intimate it to the end.

For example?
you have requested a balanced Budget and environmental issues are always thick on buttered. You could do this only because they knew that we will bring back to the Lot. Otherwise, the Budget would have never balanced. They were able to distinguish themselves so at our expense to show how you could compensate for the environmental expenditure.


Created: 25.03.2019, 21:47 PM