“”The children of IS-followers can be disposed of””

“the department has the right to seize the children of IS-supporters if they find themselves in Sweden. There is legal support to act on the return of children in distress, writes the ministers Mikael Damberg (S) and Morgan Johansson (S) on DN Debate.”

“There has been uncertainty about how municipalities and social services to manage the children to the homecoming Swedish ICE-followers. Now has the government offices, however, gone through LVU (the law on care of young) and come to the conclusion that the law gives the municipalities the support to take care of children who find themselves in Sweden.”

“at the same time, many of the children still remain in Syria. Another notable example is the children of the killed Norwegian-Swedish ICE-supporter Michael Skråmo and relief organizations on the ground in northern Syria has been estimated that there may be an 80’s child with Swedish connections in the refugee camp, al-Hol.”

“Mikael Damberg and Morgan Johansson writes that each case must be handled individually. But the goal is that the children that are in Syria to come to Sweden.”

“According to an assessment from the National center for terrorhotbedömning (NCT) will only a few people who traveled from Sweden to join terrorist group in Syria and Iraq to return this year. Among the ICE-travellers from Sweden are, however, also a 20-speaking people who will not have the right to return, according to the government.”

“About 300 people have since 2012, traveled from Sweden to Syria and Iraq to join the våldsbejakande islamist groups in the region, particularly terrorist organisations IS.”

“Approximately half of them have returned.”

“How many are left in the conflict zone, there are no reliable figures on. Not how many are dead.”

“There is also no confirmed information on how many children with Swedish ties, which are in the conflict zone. Aid organizations on the ground in the north of the country appreciate that it is in the refugee camp, al-Hol should be able to move on upwards of 80 children.”