Residents of Churriana de la Vega can now take a relaxing bath at the Municipal Pool starting Saturday, July 4. This service is made available by the City Council with limited capacity and strict safety measures in compliance with recommendations from the health authorities.

Anyone interested in requesting a prior appointment can fill out the form on the City Council’s website and social media. They will be contacted later to confirm that there are still places available in one of the open shifts in the morning or the other in the afternoon.

Around 300 people have used the Churriana Municipal Sports Facilities since their partial opening on June 8th. They also made use of the Municipal Pool for free swimming and the paddle tennis courts.

All security measures will be maintained as before. This includes thorough cleaning of all facilities and clearly marked itineraries for entry and departure. Every day, disinfection is carried out with particular attention to contact surfaces.

Before using the facilities, the staff measures the user’s temperature. Users have access to hydroalcoholic gel dispensers as well as waste containers. It is compulsory to wear a mask. Safety distance must be respected by non-cohabiting users. It is against the law to use balls, mats or other forms of swimming material.