The Danish bruttoimport of spirits and liqueurs was in 2018 15.7 million. litres of pure alcohol, which is a smaller increase of just 1 percent in relation to 2018. Part of this is exported, however, to other countries and in the calculation nor are spirits that are purchased outside the country’s borders.
Whiskey is the most popular spirits, but saw again in 2019, a decline in sales. Vodka has also seen a nice decline, while the growth in imports of gin continue even though it has subsided significantly in 2019 compared to the years before.
Rome, however, seems to stagnate after several years to have grown. The ”other” category is large and it includes bl.a. alcopops, shots, whisky, schnapps, bitter, grappa, brandy, arrack, ouzo and calvados. This category has grown nearly 30% from 2018.
The Danish exports of spirits and liqueurs fell by about 8 percent and amounted to eur 4.6 million. litres of pure alcohol in 2019. It is still whiskey which is the most exported liquor from Denmark in front of the vodka.
Whiskey 18%
Vodka 13%
Gin 11%
romans 8%
the Cognac, and 1.5%
Tequila 1%
Armagnac <1%
Liqueur 9%
Another 38%
Source: VSOD’s Importstatistik
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