the Federal government and the countries are straight in terms of basic tax reform, apparently, on the target: the Minister of Finance, Scholz spoke of the significant progress in the negotiations. Only Bayern bristles.

After months of deliberations, the Minister of Finance of the Federation and the länder in the case of the reason for coming tax reform. You’ve agreed on the Details, informed the Federal Finance Minister, Olaf Scholz (SPD) after re-Meeting in Berlin. He spoke of a “milestone”. Scholz announced that a draft bill to be adopted by the end of this year.

simplifications had been in the planned Reform, said Scholz. This has led to the charge that the property tax in the future, simple and non-bureaucratic, and also social and just.

Bayern, however, is

From Bavaria comes more resistance: Minister of Finance Albert Füracker (CSU) said after the consultations, the reform model was “in the now proposed embodiment for Bayern not acceptable”.

Scholz had sought a solution to the consensus of all countries. In addition to the Bundesrat, the Bundestag has to agree to Reform. The CSU is expensive, therefore, as a member of the black-red coalition a decisive role in the Reform of the reason. The tips of the coalition coming together in the afternoon in the Chancellery to discussions. There is then an agreement is considered to be very unlikely.

the Minister of Finance Scholz wants to develop by the end of the year a concrete draft law on property tax reform.

value-dependent model remains the core of the Reform of

the Basis for the draft law, the Scholz now is to develop a model that provides for significant Changes to the previous plans. The core of a so-called value-dependent model in which land values and age of buildings are to be used, however, is still.

It is now to be subsidised social housing in the calculation of the basic tax. Specifically, a reduction in the so-called control measure. This should also apply to housing co-operatives.

“Excessive bureaucracy excesses”

Füracker criticised that the constitutional concerns at Scholz-model were not yet resolved. “It is even Constitutional lawyers debated whether the basic law must not be changed by this proposal.” Scholz show, unfortunately, still no willingness to go in the direction of the of Bavaria the required direction.

Even now, the discussed modifications had not brought the necessary breakthrough. “The reams of red tape excesses hardly be contained. From a simple, for the property owners easy-to-understand reform concept can not be a speech.”