The Goa Party in the district centre of Tscharnergut in Bern-Bethlehem on the Morning of this 25. December the end. Guests embark on the way home. Only Kilian S. is not going anywhere. The 20-Year-old is a little more responsive. He consumed narcotics. A Barmitarbeiterin accompanied him outside, she must support him. Finally, someone calls the police. Less than 24 hours later, Killian is dead, died in a cell in the police station at Bern Waisenhausplatz. How could this happen?
Kilian’s death might have been prevented. This is presumed to be, at least in the Bern office of the public Prosecutor for special tasks, where a medical law specialist attorney met is investigating the case of death. He’s investigating the doctor who has decided that Kilian may be imprisoned in spite of his condition in a cell. For more Details about the ongoing proceedings, he will not reveal, as it says on request.
Sure is: Kilian stand this evening under the influence of drugs. This is the police writes in their on 26. December sent message, and people from his environment to confirm. It is also clear that the advanced police patrol Kilian to the station. Then refute the statements speak.
Why has it taken the police Kilian on the guard? According to the police, communication, Kilian stolen goods. A party guest asks the question, however. Also, why the police was on the spot: Not someone from the people, it had been, had called the police, but the party organizer. According to the police communication has resisted Kilian against the arrest. Also, the party host has noticed nothing. Kilian’s criminal records were the reason that he ended up in prison instead of in the hospital? Also this question remains open.
Here Kilian, S.: police station, died at Berne Waisenhausplatz. Photo: Keystone
But if Kilian was arrested for justified reasons, in the ongoing criminal proceedings to be of secondary importance. The investigations revolve around the question of whether Kilian has been taken care of in the detention medical sufficient.
the doctor is in favour of prison
At the police station, the police on the Morning of this 25. December, by a doctor to assess whether Kilian can be locked up. The doctor will examine the so-called stick-emergence of ability. For the health of ailing prisoners, a wing would be in the Inselspital in Berne, where they can be medically cared for. The doctor comes to the conclusion that you can lock Kilian in a normal cell under the condition that the officials watch all two hours according to him.
These regular checks had taken place, police wrote in their message. Nevertheless, Kilian dies in the early Morning of the 26. December alone in his cell. The police find him, call the ambulance. But can only find the death of 20-Year-old.
Has underestimated the doctor, the toxic effect of the substances? And would have been able to prevent a hospital admission Kilian’s death? These are the questions the investigators. Although Kilian’s face had injuries, the autopsy of the corpse Prosecutor’s office in accordance with to rule out suicide, or violence of third parties as the cause of death. Doctors confirm that it is extremely sensitive it can be to let people who have consumed a lot of party drugs, unattended.
For this specific case, the experts did not comment on. However, the amphetamines, which Kilian had, according to the police, and can cause serious side effects. According to Colette Degrandi, senior physician at Tox Info Suisse, are life-threatening amphetamine overdose, although relatively rare. However, if a amphetamine-related Person is not responsive, it must be called, according to Degrandi immediately the ambulance. “Lay people have the Knowledge to supervise such a Person is missing,” says the Doctor.
if In doubt, better to go to the hospital
strong words also Aristomenis Exadaktylos, chief physician of the emergency centre at Inselspital Bern chooses. He not only warns of party drugs, but only right in front of it, to combine these: “This is not just a game, but a game with an unlocked grenade.” That party endanger-goers with mind-altering substances itself, is not a rarity: The island’s emergency center and treated together with specialists around 100 such severe poisoning per year – almost all patients can be saved.
it Comes after such a mixed use, as it is probably also in the case of Kilian, complications, pleads Exadaktylos, as a senior physician Degrandi – for immediate hospitalization. “The side effects are extremely difficult to predict,” he says, and speaks of a “time bomb”. This is because such substances are unfolded, the effect on the brain and, therefore, each Person reacts differently to the Stimulation.
in Addition, many of these substances are difficult to detect. You have to know what type of substance you search. And even then it was difficult, because the body remodels such narcotics will be extremely limited and manufacturers are constantly changing their recipes. This could also be the reason why, as before, it is unclear which of the substances has consumed Kilian and where he died. Tissue tests of hair and blood are still pending.
Any doctor may examine
For the examination of the so-called stick-emergence of ability to the Canton police offers about Medphone a emergency doctor. In Medphone is a telephone Hotline, which coordinates in the Region of Bern the operations of the emergency doctors. By 2015, the municipal rescue service, the medical police was responsible. The circle of the examining Physicians at that time was small. Why this has changed?
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explains the change from the medical police Medphone the Canton of police as follows: Each physician, the emergency bar service, have a so-called licence to practise. And who has such a licence, may perform custody evaluations. Because of the medical police are not around-the-clock a doctor with such a permit bar service, we decided together with other expert persons, to alert the medical police.
mother asks for clarification
While the doctor, for the presumption of innocence applies, now the focus of the investigation is, are other aspects of the fateful night still remains unanswered. For example, whether the police officers had already been to the previous cell control Alarm. Or how the injury in Kilian’s face came.
These and other questions of the mother of Kilian leave no rest. She took a lawyer and occurs in the proceedings as a private plaintiff. “To me, it is important that the circumstances of Kilian’s death are fully elucidated,” she says. To the ongoing investigation you don’t want to comment on. The mother is important, however, that your son will not be reduced to his past. “This would don’t do him justice,” she says. Yes, it was not always easy with him. “But in the last few years, Kilian has taken his life in Hand.” He got help and in a psychiatric hospital. He also worked again. In the accompanied group home in Wichtrach, where he lived, in December, he had received the necessary support.
“Everyone is free to consume what they like,” says Kilian’s mother. And if the police hold someone, then you carry the responsibility. Anyway, the requirement for all was to provide First aid. This had not been your son. “No one can give me Kilian back,” she says. But it is not sure that the same mistake happens a second Time. “My goal is that officials are better sensitized for dealing with young people,” she says. No matter whether you are spraying, parties to organize, or whether they get them all riled up with dangerous substances. “Youthful frivolity is not a serious crime.”
charge only in months
Kilian’s death in Bern, meanwhile, is political. The memorial, relatives and Acquaintances Kilian’s have set up on Bern’s Waisenhausplatz, is argued on a political level. A SVP-the city Council would like to have it put away, supposed to have complained to him, police officers. Now, the Bern municipal Council must decide whether it may remain.
Also at the concrete Kilian walls everywhere, the spray scene pays him tribute. “Kilu R. I. P., 26.12.2018” is spray painted on the railway bridge on the protect Mat. Bern is not so fast los by Kilian, that’s for sure. Because until you have decided whether or not it comes to a court hearing, it is likely still months, if not years. (The Federal government)
Created: 21.02.2019, 14:48 PM