It was the prospect of being allowed to remain in the hospital, which meant that a 24-year-old mother was to deliver batkerieinficerede urine samples to the hospital staff at Aarhus university Hospital.
It told the mother on Thursday at the Court in Odense, where she is charged with neglect and ill-treatment of her little boy, who was just two years old at the time of the offence.
Not a time a transfer of the boy to the hospital’s intensive care unit could get the woman to stop. She also continued after the boy had had septicaemia and septic shock after having been injected urine into blodbanerne through the cannula, the doctors had brought.
the Hospital was the only place I was comfortable being, the woman said, as prosecutor Maria Blomsterberg as dozens of other times asked the open spørgdsmål the ‘why’.
A mentalerklæring affirms that the 24-year-old meets all the conditions for the mental disorder Münchausen by Proxy. It means, that she, for example, can feel gratification at the attention she gets when her son, for instance, are admitted to the hospital.
Despite the mental disorder, she is suitable to receive a normal prison sentence, turns an opinion from Retslægerådet fixed.
According to the indictment failed to catch the son, not the farthest. And the countless times the mother took contact to medical staff in health centers or in hospitals, the boy was completely well.
One of the reasons that the doctors allowed themselves to cheat, was probably that the woman in his bag had a bottle with bakterieholdig urine. The son had a single in February had a urinary tract infection. According to the indictment, she has at least 15 times mixed the boy’s urine with infected urine from the bottle before she handed it to the analysis.
– He peed in a cup, and so I mixed just something from the bottle, said the mother in court.
But each time, doctors have wondered, that there was something wrong with the boy’s blood tests.
Absolutely wrong it went, according to the police, the public prosecutor’s office 26. may, where the little boy suddenly became bad during hospitalisation. The 24-year-old did not want the court to pronounce itself on that very day, but the prosecutor played a recording of a hearing from the police shortly after the woman’s arrest 3. June.
See also: 24-year-old mother charged: Sprayed urine in the two-year-old son’s veins.
On the recording tells the woman, that she poured the contents from the bottle in the bag into his son’s bloodstream through the syringe which doctors had brought on the boy during his hospitalization.
the Woman has, according to the indictment exposed his son to the neglect and maltreatment in a year, from the time he was just a year old. Photo: Ernst van Norde
I had not imagined that he was very ill. It was a surprise that he came in intensive care, said the woman.
But it was in order to convince the doctors that his son was sick, that she did it, she explained. And once he was transferred to the intensive care unit, she could not get it said, what she had done, she explained during grundlovsforhøret.
the Day after the transfer to the intensive care unit, where the boy lay with septicemia and septic shock, the doctors were the situation as much under control that the boy could be moved back to the children’s ward.
In court, it emerged that health professionals ago watched the mother and son more minutely.
Yet, continued the woman with the hand over the urine samples mixed with infected urine from the bottle in the bag.
What causes you to continue with it here at 26. may, would the prosecutor know.
– I don’t know.
if you Wish to maintain that your son is in the hospital?
– Yes.
Get you increased attention from your boyfriend when your son is sick?
– He shows at least more presence.
How do you react to being arrested 3. June?
– It was actually a relief. I think it was a relief, for I knew well that what I did was very wrong. I couldn’t stop, so I think it was a relief.
The 24-year-old woman has been held in custody for more than a year. She told in court, she sees her son twice a week at the place where she lives during her varetægtsfængling. And that she sees him on facetime every day.
She form no longer pair with the son’s father.
See also: Mother charged with abuse of son: It shows mentalundersøgelsen
the Trial continues 17. June, when the danger, a child-minder as well as healthcare professionals must make testimonies. A mentalerklæring and an opinion from Retslægerådet affirms that the woman is suitable to receive a normal prison sentence. It is planned that judgment shall come 25. June.
Here are the charges against the 24-year-old mother
the Neglect and ill-treatment from 1. June 2018 3. June 2019, by a number of doctors and hospitals maintained the son in the erroneous course of treatment with unnecessary hospitalizations and unnecessary medication, despite the fact that he failed:
At least 15 times in conflict with the truth to be disclosed to medical personnel that his son had repeatedly been eligible and seizures. The boy was briefly hospitalized and the doctors did anfaldsbehandlende and anfaldsforebyggende medicine, which with the son resulted in increased fatigue, increased sleep, affected appetite, constipation, and unsteady gait, delayed development and risk for behavioural disorders.
on several occasions, to have pretended that his son suffered from urinary tract infections and symptoms such as blood in the urine. She returned the older infected urine specimens for examination, then the doctors called for medication, who gave the boy easy lack of white blood cells and with the risk of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, allergic reactions, development of resistance to antibiotics and the influence of red and white blood cells in the bone marrow to follow.
To have done landscaped Venflons and PICC-lines idle in order to maintain the boy in the treatment, which resulted in pain and mental and emotional trauma, while the boy, among other things, had to fuldbedøves and got the risk of infection, blood poisoning and risk for development of anxiety.
To have done landscaped topkatetre idle with the risk of leakage of urine to mavehule and infections to follow. On a date in February 2019 several times to have submitted the infected urine in a topkateter, which resulted in a high fever.
26. may 2019 on two occasions at Aarhus university Hospital to have submitted the infected urine in the blodbanerne through the cannula, the doctors had brought, which resulted in septicaemia and septic shock.
All had serious physical and psychological consequences for the boy by constantly interfering with his development, as well physical as mental, including the emotional and cognitive level, and in the longer term could have led to serious psychological consequences with the boy at risk for the development of personality disorders, depression and self-harming and inappropriate sygdomsadfærd.
In connection with the arrest of 24-year-old seized the police a water bottle with urine, 18 syringes, a stopper with a needle, plastic containers, among other sprøjtedele, medicines and a pump to a syringe.