they are often without perspective, and weak governments make it easy for you – pirates in Westafria. The number of attacks has increased worldwide in the past year, reports the International Maritime Bureau.

The number of pirate attacks has increased worldwide in the past year. The International Maritime Bureau of the International chamber of Commerce was one of 201 cases, according to a report. In the previous year, to 180 attacks were recorded. The focus of piracy in West Africa. The number of Attacks in the Gulf of Guinea have more than doubled, it said.

hostage-taking and ransom demand

All of the six worldwide reported kidnappings of ships have occurred in the waters between the ivory coast and the Congo. 13 of the world’s 18 fired ships would have been in this area. Also, 130 of the 141 hostage-taking on the part of the pirates in the Gulf of Guinea, as well as 78 of 83 kidnapped sailors for ransom.

call for more cooperation by the riparian States

In the last quarter of 2018 it will have a significant increase of violence in West Africa. Pirates have hijacked vessels well outside the territorial waters are boarded and the crews to Nigeria. There is an urgent need for increased cooperation and exchange of information between the States bordering the Gulf of Guinea, a spokesman for the ship’s travel office says.