With ease, you could dismiss it as a Schmonzette, as a sentimental piece of political folklore. There’s a FDPler, a SVPler and a Green in a residential community at the Federal house live new. All under 30, full of life. The “look” will come in and shoot pictures (a non-partisan cutting Onions), the “Schweizer Illustrierte”, the establishment review, the television, the first house Party movies. The WG of Franziska Ryser (Green), Andri silver Schmidt (FDP), and Mike Egger (SVP) is for the media to be a gift from the heavens. Also, this newspaper has reported, of course, (read more about it here).

But maybe it is more than just political People-journalism. Intended more as a slightly interactive PR Coup. Maybe the residential community shows in the picture-quarters, that this new Parliament meets on Monday for the opening of the legislature in the Federal house, ticks are actually a little different than in the past. A less ideological. Pragmatic. Over 70 National and Ständeräte a new in the Federal house, the Parliament is so young and female and green as ever. And that changes things. It changed how politics works – it changes the forces acting from the outside on the policy.

An industry under pressure

“The young tick differently today, you are much more networked than we had at the time. We knew not even the word!” Martin Schläpfer, the recently retired chief Lobbyist for Migros, the Doyen of all Bernese lobbyists says. He believed that the elections could drag on for its industry, the larger distortions to. “Because of the change in the Parliament, the lobbying,” says Schläpfer. The influence of the associations is disappearing, and a mandate (or a lot) could be even harmful. “You saw the defeated CVP- Council of States Beat Vonlanthen in Freiburg, Germany, has been punished for its many mandates.”

For many industries and associations, the elections were in fact a fiasco. Health insurance companies and Pharma has lost half of its representatives from the trade Association, the trade unions have had to mourn losses.

the Tricks of The industry are old. The Parliament, however,
It is a new one.

Even more important, the period between election and assumption of office was for you. The question is simple: What to do? How do you get the same influence as before? “We should be under no illusions,” says Reto Wiesli, President of the Swiss Public Affairs society (SPAG). “At the end of the associations and branches are to be found in the commissions always someone who can for a mandate, to inspire. And that is for the most added value than any Public Affairs staff in the lobby is active and MP responsive.”

But, the “But” emphasizes Wiesli, the new Parliament dünke him in terms of transparency, more open-minded than the old. “In the digital age, everything else is also no longer an Option,” says Wiesli. The younger members of Parliament, the more likely they would understand.

you can see That perhaps as early as Monday afternoon, when the new national Council votes, as one of its first acts on a proposal from the assigned SP of States Didier Berberat. The proposal calls for a Register for lobbyists, in which you have to your Client and their mandates to enter.

councils disagreed

It is a long story – for over four years for the councils to push the proposal back and forth. The Council of States was in favour of the national Council against it. “When one sees who was voted out from the preparatory Committee in the national Council, then a true positive,” says Reto Wiesli that supports the template. Who was for the transparency regime, remained in place. Who was against it, fell out. “Also this shows how a change in the Wind,” says the SPAG-President.

opponents of the new register to hold the Exercise for a further bureaucracy harassment: unnecessary, tedious, and far away from all realities. “Lobbying does not take place only in sessions and in the foyer, but throughout the year. At events, Meetings, podiums,” says Hans-Ulrich Bigler, abgewählter the national Council for the FDP, and Director of the trade Association. It also play no big role, whether it be as a Director is also a member of Parliament. “I have not written during my time as a national Council of all of the initiatives themselves and submitted, but you are among colleagues spread,” says Bigler.

How important is proximity? Spatial Proximity? Also, the national Council, Heinz Brand of the SVP was voted out of office. He is President of the health insurance Association Santésuisse. The representation of the premium payer is in the interest of many politicians – from the left to the right, writes Manuel Ackermann of Santésuisse on request. By rising health the representation of these interests are going to win regardless of cost is a direct representation in the Parliament, in addition to importance. “It is not a question of Central importance whether or not our President is a parliamentarian or not.”

needs of the population

What Ackermann says: not Just health insurance companies many members of the house to go these days in order to win them for an Advisory Board – in the best case, with a view to a later sitting in a Board of Directors. This can be, depending on a very lucrative. “If you get a mandate for 50’000 or 100’000 Swiss francs in the year, and then in the Commission decisions referred to in this mandate is the case, this is a Problem,” says Corina Gredig, newly elected national councillor for the green liberal. That the Parliament as a Whole more transparent, corresponds to a need of the population.

Corina Gredig at the election celebration of the glp in Zurich. Photo Keystone

Andri silver Schmidt – residents of the most famous political-WG, Switzerland already has a seat in the Advisory Board, offered to get the entry Badge to the Federal house. “I’m very careful and have so far rejected everything.” Silver Schmidt will support the proposal by Berberat. The Trend is clear, and he was going in the direction of more transparency. If he were with colleagues from speech, not from the policy, always the same topics of relevance. How decisions? Who influenced whom? And how? “In this area we have a transparency deficit.”

What to do with the Powerbank?

Just for new parliamentarians, the period between election and taking office, was very challenging. You’ll be flooded by invitations, says the Green Greta Gysin. Most of all amazed you have the invitation of the parliamentary group for domestic banks. Since a package had come. Chocolate, sweets, a Powerbank for the phone. “This seems to me to be quite generous and shows me: lobbying takes place in various Ways.” You yourself must first develop an attitude to all these attempts to contact it, says Gysin. You don’t know also what to do with the Powerbank.

A step further with your party colleague, Mr Felix Wettstein. This lists on its Website each contact. It is a long, long list, and it shows: The Tricks are still the old ones. The Parliament, however, It is a new one.

Created: 01.12.2019, 22:13 PM