The protection of the Constitution says the right-wing extremism: The new President Haldenwang said in a conversation with the “SZ”, he wanted to increase the number of its agents.

The new President of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution, Thomas Haldenwang, has announced stepping up the fight against right-wing extremism. The number of the agents of his authority, should focus on the threat from the right, will increase next year by 50 percent, he said the “süddeutsche Zeitung”. So far, 200 agents were responsible for this area.

In recent months, the Constitution was the protection of his, in the meantime, in the interim retired, former President Hans-Georg Maaßen often been criticized for the fact that he’ll take the threat from the Right seriously enough. Haldenwang rejected this and said: “There has been for some time a new dynamics in right-wing extremism.” You must to respond to it.

Xenophobic baiting is compatible

The events in Chemnitz, where at the end of August and beginning of September, “ordinary protesters” in addition to right-wing extremists imported would be classified, showed an example of how to connect to xenophobic propaganda is now – “not only in the East”.

Thomas Haldenwang want to use more agents in the fight against right-wing extremism.

Haldenwang described a “mobilization according to a clear pattern” had been shown in Chemnitz “under a burning glass”. Often it start with a “Trigger event”. In Chemnitz, this was the killing of a German.

decision on dealing with AfD in January

In relation to Comments made at the AfD on the theme of refugees and migrants, Haldenwang said: “If a party in the German Bundestag this debate again and again, loudly, then this can also contribute to right-wing extremism finds new supporters.”

In January, will decide the Federal office dealing with the AfD. The debate on the threat of monitoring the AfD by the protection of the Constitution have motivated the party to separate themselves from “extremist part of groups,” said Haldenwang.

Hans-Georg Maaßen – the controversial President, 05.11.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin

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