Because of their Links to the extreme right and the rich citizen-scene of the right national wing, and the Young Alternative “objects of observation”.

The law, national “wings” of the AfD and its youth organization Young Alternative (JA) can be observed in Bavaria, in the meantime, from the protection of the Constitution. Both would be dealt with as “objects of observation,” said the authority.

the basis for the new classification are, therefore, the findings of the Federal office for the protection of the Constitution. This had explained the entire AfD last week for the “test case” and the “wings” and the Boy an Alternative to the “suspected case”. The category of “suspect case” is not, however, in Bavaria, therefore, both were now at the “object of observation”. This means that the country office apply now, in principle, even intelligence agents, so, for example, V-people.

for quite some time, the country observed a “lower two-digit number” of individuals (members, officers) within the AfD. These meadows “in part, the Connections in the right-wing extremist, the protection of the Constitution relevant to anti-Islamic and the rich citizens scene,” reads the notice.

at the beginning of your activity as a member of the Landtag, the Bavarian AfD-members of Uli, Henkel, Ralf, Stadler, and Andreas Winhart in the last year under observation – this was the protection of the Constitution in January.