“The Risk of riots if the parliament is ignoring the people,”

“STOKE-ON-TRENTu002FLONDON. If the british parliament snuvar people like Michelle and Dale at the brexit so they can get the hot on your heels.”

“Those who voted for brexit guarantees rebellion if the politicians ignore the will of the people.”

“– It can be very unpleasant, they assure.”

“to take me out on the bubble in London, where the majority want to remain in the EU, I’m going to go up to Stoke-on-Trent, one of the cities that overwhelmingly voted to leave the EU.”

“Michelle Knowles and Dale Shone belong to the 70 per cent who voted in favour of brexit. They live in a simple terraced house in a hill with views to a large shopping centre. “

“Just around the corner is what still exists of the city’s once proud porslinsindustri. Two tegelskorstenar in the form of large bottles and an almost black brick building in which the window panes are either broken or covered with plywood and testify to the downhill industry lived through and all the jobs that disappeared.”

“Two and a half years have passed since the referendum on brexit. Since then, the conditions have to leave the cleared and they do not look too attractive. The experts talk about decline in the growth rate, shortages and lowered standards of living if the brits crashing out without an agreement.”

“None of this has, however, been Michelle or Dale at the other tanks.”

“I have definitely not changed my mind,” says Michelle, and looks very determined out. Rather, I’ve been strengthened in my conviction that it is right to leave.”

“Dale, wearing double supportertröjor for the local football team Stoke, nodding in agreement.”

“– the People voted for a ”no deal”-brexit. Then that is what they are elected to deliver.”

“Therefore, both with great concern the recent months, the political games in parliament, where a majority made it clear that they will do everything to prevent the country leaves the economic club, without a contract.”

“– the Prime minister, May and the rest of the politicians have handled brexitprocessen in a bad way. They are arguing like little children and put their parties ahead of the country’s best. It would not surprise me one bit if the politicians set the exit on 29 march and pushes forward everything.”

“Michelle and Dale oppose both vigorously for a second referendum, one of the other options that may be able to gather a majority in parliament.”

“– It would be a betrayal of democracy, the beats Michelle fixed. We have already voted to leave the EU. Now they want to get us to vote again in an attempt to change the outcome. But it would be a second vote, I think it will be a landslide victory for the brexit. So, cursed are people out in the country.”

“the Couple’s opinions again when we talk with other Stokebor. Adrian Walls, who stands and smokes wearing a brown leather jacket outside the department store, a Sainsbury’s, a waft of anger.”

“– The politicians are a joke, churning he is closest to. They should have done what the people want. That is why we pay them.”

“Nothing has gotten him to change his mind since he voted for brexit in 2016. Neither the chaos of London or the warnings about the recession.”

“I want to leave more than ever,” he says and throws away fimpen. We can do better on their own.”

“there is No more time to negotiate.”

“Just the fear of the encounter with the will of the people hounding politicians from both major parties, Labour and conservative Tories. Many of them promised in the last election to deliver brexit and learn how to have a hearty svekdebatt if they fail. At the same time they don’t want to throw out the country in a precarious and potentially disastrous situation. When will voters not be so excited.”

“Therefore, like the majority in the parliament to leave with an agreement.”

“How now shall go to when the parliament has already, by an overwhelming majority, said’ no ‘ to the only agreement that exists is that nobody knows. The time to negotiate a new are not. How the politicians than do the waiting chaos.”

“In the evening to the house of commons vote on how to proceed with brexitprocessen.”

“– there Will be no brexit people are going to go out on the streets and protest very loudly, the tracks Michelle. Maybe there will be riots.”

“Dale agrees but is a little ambivalent. He works in the army. It is set in readiness to deal with any crises that might arise if the Uk crashes out of the EU. “

“He doesn’t seem keen to quell popular protests in support of brexit.”