How to bring a party to a historic electoral defeat, again on the legs? Officially, it went to the yesterday’s Assembly of delegates of the SVP , Switzerland in Amriswil by dry themes: the votes in may to the weapons act and the tax deal. And the framework agreement.

Unofficially, almost everything but a question: How to continue after the election defeat last week in Zurich? The party lost 5.6 percentage points. In the SVP is visibly nervous.

“If we want to win in the fall, we need to Sleeves up” to called SVP national councillor Jean-Francois Rime of the delegates. It sounded resolute, but kind of at a loss. Then Rime pulled from the leather. As a speaker against the arms act, he geisselte the EU and its “bureaucracy madness”. It was an attempt to mobilize the rank and file, not only for the vote in may, also for the elections in the autumn.

Like Rime, the word leader from the party leadership wanted to bring her guns into position. Yet, somehow, the Gunpowder was in most of yesterday’s wet. SVP Vice-President Martullo-Blocher ranted, although with all his might against the framework agreement. The delegates applauded dutifully. But really fighting mood did not arise.

In the Land of the changing Sünneli: Federal councillor Ueli Maurer speaks in Amriswil with journalists. Photo: Daniel Ammann

the private banker Thomas Matter, it was not much better. Also his paper “How large corporations, Switzerland is betrayed” received only moderate applause. Many of the delegates seemed to be clear that you can’t lure the Voters with the framework agreement out of the house. The debate on Europe seems to be different than at the time when the EEA – too incredible for many to abstract the control template. And the arms act moved apart from the the least really Protect.

the party’s President Albert Rösti tried it then with the issue of asylum: Even if there is currently no large refugee flows, has not solved the Problem long ago. “It is a shame that criminal aliens will not be deported,” said rosti. Here, too, Standing there were Ovations.

The party hardened in the climate issue

A spokesman from the party leadership, however, is to entice the assembled delegates from the Reserve and joined, of all things, with a theme, with which the SVP does not have much in the hat: Roger Köppel to the lectern and addressed the climate change. The issue was not on the list of the planned presentations. But Köppels spontaneous words inspired the masses: Rhetorically adept, he was first on climate-Hype funny, and then not attach that the SVP is against environmental protection . It is only against those who needed the climate change miss. “Against the abuse of children by their left-green teacher”, for example.

Finally, Köppel brought the knee-slapper from the SVP Logo. It was the only green Logo, not red to light come from, if you scratch it. The sass. Thunderous Applause. With his diatribe against the climate-Hype Journalist koeppel language obviously, many of the party goers from the heart.

Restrained enthusiasm: Christoph Blocher and party leader Albert Rösti. Photo: Daniel Ammann

the evidence suggests that not only Köppel, but the party is responding this way to the victory of the Greens in Zurich. Instead of adapt, is the party in the future, probably even more clearly distinguish from those that fight climate change. The party President hash Browns confirmed on request: “our Position in the climate and environmental policy there is not to change anything.”

The SVP is indeed for technological innovations for the benefit of the climate . They wanted to promote domestic production, to climate, to prevent politically unfavourable to imports. However, there should be “no extra burdens or prohibitions for the economy and consumers”. And: “Switzerland’s not already doing enough, and we can’t afford additional taxes or requirements.” The SVP is a basin in order to catch all of those voters who have nothing left for the fight against climate change.

The Eco-wing of the SVP makes the fist in the bag

inside, the party opens with the hard course, however, there is a gap. The SVP has an ecological wing. To many farmers. And are finding it increasingly difficult with climate sceptics, such as Koppel. The Bernese national councillor Andreas Aebi says, the SVP should not though fall into the climate hysteria of the other parties. “But after the heat of the summer last year, and the election defeat in Zurich, the party must review its environmental policy.” He also finds: “The Passage in the position paper of the SVP, according to which human activities are likely responsible for climate change, should underline our party.”

frustrated, Markus hausammann: The receding Thurgauer SVP Nationalrat and the farmer also has a green wire. He think it is a pity “that the environment was left conscious wing of the SVP, with its concerns of the group, often alone”. It is not up to him to give the party line advice, since he resign, Yes.

probably The greenest SVP-Nationalrat is an organic Farmer, Erich von Siebenthal. He voted in 2011 for a phase-out of nuclear energy and the green energy strategy of the Federal government. For him there is no doubt that climate change is a serious Problem. “I think in the longer term, the SVP will continue to adapt its environmental policy to the new findings.”

Several of the delegates said in a personal conversation, that you were serious about the climate, and that, in their opinion, the SVP of your own solutions need to find. However, they said it behind his Hand. Publicly, no one dared against Köppels rhetoric.

(Sunday newspaper)

Created: 30.03.2019, 22:52 PM