In the worst case, there is a need for 1.5 million Swiss francs, to let the airline Super Constellation take-off, it was said to be in August 2017. Then 15 to 20 million are missing all of a sudden. Even the largest plane brings enthusiasts into a tailspin. Today, the “Zürichsee-Zeitung reported,” that the supporters club was disbanded. The fate of the aircraft is now in the hands of a liquidator.
The Super Connie is considered by many Aviation enthusiasts as the most beautiful aircraft in the history. In all cases, it was unmistakably, if you flew with its distinctive three-piece rear rudder on the lake of Zurich. And at vintage air shows, she was the Star. However, as in the case of routine checks on the flaps, rust was discovered, began the descent of the “Star of Switzerland”.
arrival of a legend: A Super Constellation landed in Kloten.
The impetus came from miles
1.5 million francs has been budgeted for the repair and collected, because the Super Connie has friends far beyond the Super Constellation Flyers Association. The SCFA around the Meilemer pilot Ernst Frei had bought in 2002 one of these large propeller-driven machines, which were manufactured in the 1950s, in California, restored in 2004 in Switzerland transferred.
A Super Constellation in the year 2014 before the Start in Kloten.
at the Time, she was named “Star of Switzerland”. And as the Star of Switzerland, you should stand out in this spring. It looked good until shortly before Christmas. Since splinters were discovered on the front spar of the right wing. It turned out that both wings have to be completely taken apart and refurbished.
Four years and lots of money
in Contrast, the previous damage to knick-knack. Such a repair would take four years and 20 million Swiss francs cost. The strict requirements of the Federal office for civil aviation.
Nevertheless, the SCFA decided not to give up. If within three months the money can be raised, make it more, she decided in February of this year. Now, the Board of management must realise that this is a failed endeavor. The “Zürichsee-Zeitung” writes: “After 15 years on the biggest adventure of aircraft enthusiasts in Switzerland to an abrupt end.”
A silver lining on the horizon?
However, friends of the Super Connie remains, a small bit of hope. The President of the SCFA, Hans Breitenmoser said that the future of the classic car will only be decided in the next few months. The Executive Board will do everything Possible that the plane will stay in the future accessible.
It might not even be the case that the Grounding of the Super Connie is final. Then, if a rescuer falls into the Not from the sky, has the money and takes in Hand to let the Star of Switzerland lift it again. (net)
Created: 29.04.2019, 10:40 PM