During Thursday night confirmed the White house that the president will sign the budget proposal will provide new money for increased border security with Mexico – which means that the united states’s apparatus is kept open.

Trump to make good its threat to impose a state of national emergency. This may mean that the president can take money from a variety of military construction projects and instead put them on the wall. Trump would also be able to make use of military personnel to the actual construction.

Donald Trump has on several occasions threatened to declare a state of national emergency and has in the past few months on a number of occasions painted a picture of a humanitarian disaster at the border with Mexico. Something that has been questioned by, among others, the Democrats.

the way for Donald Trump to take money from other parts of the public administration to the wall.

If the president announces a ”national immigrationsnödläge” there are 20 million dollars in a fund for this purpose. A sum which is significantly less than the money Trump can get by using the military’s money.

Some nödlägesfonder contains large amounts, writes Vox. As an emergency fund as decided by the congress in 2018. The fund is intended to be used for various projects in connection with emergencies associated with natural disasters in Puerto Rico, California, Florida and Texas and includes almost 14 billion dollars.

Image 1 of 2 to Donald Trump. Photo: Nichlas Kamm/AFP Slide 2 of 2 Protests against Donald Trump’s wall in El Paso, Texas earlier in the week. Photo: Paul Ratje/AFP Slideshow

on Thursday, walked from the senate to the house of representatives includes nearly $ 1.4 billion, corresponding to around sek 12 billion, and is significantly less than the 5.7 billion dollars that Donald Trump in the past has said that he wants to have and that got him to shut down the state apparatus during the record-breaking 35 days earlier in the year.

Martin Gelin: Sign of political weakness, not strength

In the new proposal there is money to 88 kilometres of new fence between Texas and Mexico, also it is a far cry from the 380 kilometres stålmurar that the president wants to have.

That this was a proposal that Donald Trump was not satisfied with the has appeared during the last few days. And he now looks to go along with it should be seen in light of the fact that the president is aiming to get the money to the wall from completely other sources than those which congress decides on.

it is clear that the majority of the congressional members want to leave the issue behind and to move forward with other decisions it will be uncertain in the end how the president himself will decide.

Fear for even a shutdown of the federal authorities was reflected in the senate on Thursday, where republican Charles Grassley initiated the work with a prayer:

” Let us all pray that the president will be wise enough to write in the proposal so that the state apparatus will not be closed, writes the Washington Post.

On Thursday adopted the senate proposal will now go forward to the house of representatives for a vote.

tweeted Donald Trump on the wall will be built. Regardless of what congress decides.

Read more: Fierce criticism of the Trumps national emergency

Mark S Weiner: Donald Trumps wall beds for författningsstrid if a state of national emergency
