He correctly predicted the WTC attacks, Isis’s rise and the Kursk sinking.Baba Vanga died 85 years of age in 1996, but the blind mystic missed a lot of predictions in the warehouse. Wikipedia

”the Balkan Nostradamus” Baba Vanga died in 1996, but he left plenty of predictions for the years to come.

in Bulgaria Petritšin in the city most of his life lived in Baba Vanga blind at the age of 12. After that, he began to predict, and often quite eloquently. Though the question is largely the interpretation, because the predictions were quite general in nature.

He has millions of followers around the world.

Vanga, inter alia, the forecast of devastating attacks on the world trade center towers.

– the Horror, the horror. American brotherhood collapse, when its attacked by the steel birds. Wolves howl in the bush, and innocent blood flows, tell clairvoyant in 1989. Two years later the ”steel birds” hit the New York WTC towers.

11. September 2001 steel birds struck America. EPA/AOP

In 1980, he told me that the Kursk covered with water and the whole world cries. And indeed, that’s the name of the Russian submarine sank 12. August 2000 in the barents sea. Rescue attempts Kursk all 118 crew members perished in the accident. Prediction though went wrong in 20 years.

Vangan according to China will become a world power in 2019. That went maybe a few years wrong, China is already arguably both military and economic superpower, with world events is constantly growing.

Vanga also predicted that the muslim military power of Europe. Vanga-believers, this is a clear reference to isis’s rise. Although muslim control of the European economy again began to flourish.

Submarine Kursk sank in the torpedo-department of explosion as a result. The crew tried to save, inter alia, a miniature submarine, but to no avail. EPA/AOPTsunami strikes

Often Vangan predictions deal with Russia. Starting in 2019, the Vanga told reporters that the Russian leader ” Vladimir ” trying to murder. Responsible for the works are his own security men. The clairvoyant didn’t know how to tell if you try.

despite the Difficulties, Russia will go well, review the mystic years as early as 1979. He spoke the name of their own on Russia, not the Soviet union.

– All melt, like a glacier. Only one left, Vladimir’s glory. Russian honor. Nothing can stop Russia.

Asia strikes in 2019, the mega-tsunami, similar to that in 2004. The american president (whose name psychic of course did not know), in turn, strikes a mysterious illness, the consequences of which the president becomes deaf, and some kind of brain damage will remain permanent.

When the glaciers melted, only Vladimir’s and russia’s glory left, the prediction of Baba Vanga. Zumawire/mvphotos mars attacks

the Destruction and horror, in addition to Vanga is seen in the future also all the best. The human race invents a new energy source and year of 2025 and 2028 between one is no longer hungry. Venus sent a manned rocket. Bodies manufactured (cloning?) with the help of all diseases can be cured.

the year of 2170, 2256 between a lot can happen. Mars has a permanent colony and it becomes a nuclear weapons state. It began to demand independence from the Country.

People will continue to extraterrestrial life search and ”something terrible” happened in those years. We obviously found something, perhaps in the depths of the oceans.

from 4302 in 4674 good and evil concepts are removed. People have become immortal and we are mixed with the outer space of the aliens.

All is well for a while, but in 5079 universe will be destroyed.

American president to lose in 2019, his hearing and other health problems is known. Zumawire/MVPhotos