The 27-year-old Bandidos prospect Jim-Bo Poulsen to 12 years in prison for attempting to kill a 25-year-old hashsælger from Næstved the 13. november 2017.

It has just been decided by a jury at the Court in Næstved, denmark.

the Court found it proven that he was one of two masked perpetrators, who troppede up in an apartment on the Eastern Ring road, kicked the door in and shot and killed the 25-year-dog, which the perpetrators fired the weapon against the 25-year-old, who was sitting on her bed in a bedroom.

The 25-year-old survived, although he was hit by six shots in the arms, stomach and legs.

It was among other things, depositions, and discovery on Jim-Bo’s mobile phone as well as a appointment subsequent to the prospect, there was cause for that he was sentenced, explained to the presiding judge during the reading of the skyldkendelsen.

Jim-Bo Poulsen chose to appeal against its judgment to the high court.

The 25-year-old sold marijuana for Satudarah. The presiding judge stated in his order that drabsforsøget happened during a ongoing conflict in the gang neighborhoods of north west. A relationship in the starting point raises the straflængden by up to double compared to what drabsforsøget and the illegal possession of firearms would otherwise have been.

On the other hand, the 28-year-old Bandidos prospect from the same Næstved-chapter, Kenneth Bech Simonsen, acquitted for the part of the indictment, which was about the attempted murder. Although his dna was found on a patronhylster in the apartment, the court assessed it with adequate security was proven that he was the second perpetrator.

Photo: Per Rasmussen

Kenneth Bech Simonsen was, however, convicted for the illegal possession of firearms. During a search warrant at the man’s home police found a Husqvarna machine gun and associated ammunition, behind a sofa.

Kenneth Bech Simonsen to four years in prison, the court assessed. The court emphasised that the submachine gun in the fall of 2017 had been used to shoot at another gang in the Facility.

Kenneth Bech Simonsen chose to receive his judgment.

Also the president at that time for the Bandidos MC Westside, 35-year-old Kristian Beck Hansen in the gang neighborhoods of north west called ‘Biggie’, was sentenced. However, for a different relationship than drabsforsøget. He was found guilty of over a period of almost two years to have delivered the 75 kilos of marijuana to a woman who sold the hash for the Bandidos. Israel had itself acknowledged to have delivered between 18 and 20 kilos for the woman., The prosecutor thought, however, was handed over about 130 pounds.

He was sentenced to two years and six months in prison.

the Prosecution is also of the view that israel played a role in drabsforsøget. Prosecutor Miriam Khalil in the court told that israel, after the police view, the orchestrated drabsforsøget, but that he was not present in the apartment when drabsforsøget took place.

Ekspræsidentens role showed, however, not of the indictment, and therefore selected the court to dismiss the indictment for attempted murder directed against him. On the other hand, israel later had a tour of the court. He has been indicted on new in the case. This time with a different wording.

in addition to fængselsstraffen, the court decided that the 35-year-old thinks must have confiscated 1.5 million dollars for illegal profit on hashsalget. The police have seized the values in the 35-year-olds home. Among other things, Hornslethmalerier, the ph-lamps and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Detective Hashsælger for Satudarah shot – ‘He could dance the tango in the bed’