Mattias Alkbergs best skill is his laconic sense of humor. Punkpoetens supergroup Southern Sweden broke through with the controversial ”Nöff nöff”, which was ”Beatrice rag-tag-group” in the ”New Mobberaterna”. The band’s last disc ran stories that ”go up like a sausage and down like a French fries”.

worse. Alkberg sings russia’s nuclear lov (”the Soviet union had the right, the world’s largest bomb, bomb!”), go in the duel with the Child and surar for no beds to his bed. In the disc’s presstext go självhyllandet so many metaironiska turns that you don’t know up or down.

But, and this is totally serious: Where the behind is a super strong plate. Boogie rock, arrogant scene, shimmering gitarrpop and grim waltz woven together into a skillful sequence that feels completely logical in all its spretighet.

Best track: ”the Diary that wrote itself”

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