The US-Minister for internal security, Kirstjen Nielsen, will be leaving their Posts in the government of President Donald Trump . A reason for the departure was not mentioned; but it must have been for some time at Trump in disgrace. In a Letter to the President, the 46-Year-old said she had decided that the time was right to withdraw.

The President thanked Nielsen, via Twitter for their work and announced that the office of Commissioner shall be by Kevin McAleenan. He is currently Chairman of the border protection authorities of CBP.

in the past few months there had been speculation that Trump was unhappy with the work of Nielsen, in whose competence as a Minister of the border policy. The Republicans had not accused her, according to Reports, the situation on the southern US border to Mexico.

Trump, whose main election promise was to build a wall, has stood at his immigration policy, several low-insertion. So, the Congress denied him the required sum for the wall, which is why Trump has imposed a National state of emergency, in order to get the money from other pots. But this is legally controversial.

More illegal Entries

In the past few months, the number of people who crossed the border illegally and were detained increased. The “New York Times” wrote on Sunday, Trump had given Nielsen the blame.

Nielsen wrote in her letter of resignation to Trump, you hope that the next Secretary of Homeland security, have the support of the Congress and the courts to change the laws, the values, it has been difficult to secure the border completely.

CBS News reported, citing government circles, Nielsen’s departure was part of a major staff restructuring in the Ministry of internal security, going back to Trumps Advisor Stephen Miller. Miller is a hard-liner on immigration policy and is considered to be one of the architects of trump’s course.

Democrats alarmed

Democrats responded on Sunday alerted to the Minister’s exchange – fear that the President could exacerbate its course. “If President Trump even the most radical voices in the government is radical enough, then you know that he has completely lost contact with the Americans,” declared the minority leader of the Democrats in the Senate, Chuck Schumer.

Nielsen held the position as homeland security Secretary in December 2017. She was followed by John Kelly, Trump made his chief of staff had. Kelly had to leave his Post in the White house for the new year; he and Nielsen are Familiar.

the headlines had caused Nielsen last summer, with the separation of families on the border to Mexico. In the context of this so-called Zero-tolerance policy towards immigrants that cross the border illegally, separated the government more than 2700 children from their parents. Nielsen defended this as a necessary measure, since there are loopholes in the immigration laws, which only Congress can change something. After massive criticism, took Trump a u-turn and ordered by decree an end to the controversial practice. Then parents and children were held together.

Stricter gait

on Thursday the White house had withdrawn surprisingly, the nomination of Ronald Vitiello as the Director of the police authority with ICE. The authority for the detention of immigrants without papers. Trump had given as a reason for the decision that he wanted to go in a tougher direction. Nielsen is said to have supported Vitiello as a candidate.

In Trumps two years in office, it kicks numerous reserves and redundancies. For example, the important Post of defense Minister, by Patrick Shanahan, is directed only to the Commissioner, because the previous incumbent James Mattis had resigned in December.

The Ministry of internal security, in response to the attacks of September 11. September 2001-built. It is something like the Ministry for internal security, while the U.S. Department of the interior is primarily concerned with the national parks and public lands. In the vast apparatus of “Homeland Security” encompasses many different government agencies. Overall, the Ministry has about 240’000 employees. (afp/sda)

Created: 08.04.2019, 06:05 PM