US President Donald Trump wants to imports in about half a year about possible special duties on Car decide, among other things, from the EU. The deferment is valid for 180 days, it means in a on Friday published the proclamation of the President. Originally, Trump, until, at the latest, 18 wanted. May decide on higher duties on car imports.

The US Department of Commerce had submitted to the White house in mid-February, a report of an investigation, whether it is car imports pose a threat to the national security of the United States. Trump had initially 90 days to make a decision on the introduction of special customs duties.

German manufacturer

affected The German manufacturer would be hit by the special duties especially hard. They have a large share of the EU exports to the United States. In addition, manufacturers such as VW, Daimler and BMW, as well as suppliers ‘ own sites in the USA. Of which you have to supply the Chinese market. Of special tariffs against imports from China threaten retaliation of Trumps other punitive measures.

Trump’s trade policy with the EU for quite some time a thorn in the eye. From his point of view about European car maker can export to the USA, while it is for US firms, conversely, more difficult.

In fact, Europe is, on average, slightly higher tariffs than the United States. The world trade organization (WTO), the EU average is about 5 per cent, in the US, 3.4 percent are in the cut due. Even if you weighted the tariff rates for individual goods with the imported volumes, Europe is higher. This weighted tariff rate for the EU in the total of 3.0 percent in the United States, 2.4 percent. For individual product groups, there are even greater differences, on cars, the EU collects about 10 percent import duty.

Trump’s mind for a long time the presence of German cars on American roads. In 1990, he threatened in an interview with “Playboy” in order to impose taxes on “every Mercedes, the rolls in this country”. (Dec/sda)

Created: 17.05.2019, 15:19 PM