In the evening, I speak to you because there is a growing humanitarian crisis and the security crisis on our southern border.

– Women and children are the main victims

So began the Donald Trump of his televised speech to the nation on the night of Wednesday. In the almost ten minutes long, the speech gave the president several examples of why he believes a wall on the border with Mexico is important.

– We have no more space for the illegal immigrants and there are no opportunities for us to have sent them back to their homeland immediately, ” said Trump.

Trump said that thousands of children are taken to the united STATES and that both children and women being sexually abused on the way from Central America to the united STATES.

– One of three women being sexually abused on the hazardous journey up through Mexico. Women and children are the greatest victims of our broken system. This is the tragic reality of innvandringssystemet at our southern border, ” said Trump.

the President also pointed out that he and his government will put an end to crime, drug trafficking and human smuggling to the united STATES.

He also pointed out that illegal immigration damages “all americans” in that they are to the stress state and leads to lower wages.


Donald Trump spoke to the nation in the shutdownen in the united STATES is well in its third week. It is over two weeks since the United states ‘ partial “shutdown” was a reality. About 800 000 public employees is affected after the funding of all non-essential government operations were stopped. Many of these will this week do not get paid.

the Reason is that the democrats and the republicans in Congress have failed to agree on a budsjettkompromiss. The reason for this is that the Trump refuses to write under a budsjettkompromiss who do not have the money for his grensemur, while the democrats refuse to vote yes to a proposal that includes money for the much talked about wall.

– the Democrats have to blame

It was with this backdrop that Trump spoke on the night of Wednesday. Trump blamed for shutdownen on the democrats.

– the State is closed as a result of one reason and one reason alone: the Democrats refuse to fund the border security. This situation can be resolved in the course of a 45-minute meeting. I have invited the leaders of Congress to The white house in the morning to get this done, ” said Trump.

He also went in straight with the leader in the house of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, who has said that a grensemur is immoral.

Some have suggested that a grensemur is immoral. But many people build fences around their houses. They build them not because they hate people on the outside, but because they love them that is on the inside, ” said Trump.

Trump has asked the 5.7 billion dollars to grensemuren. An investment he believes will quickly be repaid.

Nancy Pelosi know how she is going to tame the Donald Trump Comment

– Wall will indirectly be paid for by the glorious new handelsavtalen we have with Mexico, ” said Trump.

the President remained quiet and serious during the entire speech, and remained obvious to the manuscript.

Asked about the TV time

In advance of the speech had The white house asked the major networks in the united STATES to clear space in the program Tuesday evening local time, and several of the major networks agreed to broadcast the speech.

Admittedly, after long and tough discussions. In the wake also went the networks to give to the democratic leaders, Chuck Shcumer and Nancy Pelosi, the TV time to comment on the allegations Trump came with.

We the governed, not with the tantrums. No president should turn the table and demand to get it on its way, or so rods he state, ” said Schumer in the democratic response, before Pelosi added.

President Trump needs to stop holding the american people hostage, he must stop creating a crisis and need to reopen the state.

The two democratic leaders asked the president to separate the discussion about border security from the questions about the closure of the state apparatus.

Democrat leaders agreed that it is necessary to secure the borders, but that they are not willing to approve Trumps grensemur.

Trump himself has commented on the feedback on their own speech on Twitter.

“Thank you for so many nice comments about my speech from The oval office. A very interesting experience”, tweet Trump.

Just ahead of the speech came the democratic leader in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, with a little twinge to the president on Twitter.

“President Trump will make you forget that he has shut down the u.s. government until the american taxpayers pay for the wall he has insisted that Mexico should pay for,” wrote Schumer.

– I can do it if I want